Why dont you advertise your server on minecraft planet and other sites to get more people on the server?! You can advertise your server once every day! Think about it!! There are a lot of people that are looking for servers in these sites!
First, welcome to the forums and thanks for posting your suggestion!
We are a gaming community, which means it's being ran by a multitude of people and supported by it's players where possible.
This means that among other things we encourage our community members to help out with making our servers more known among the masses.
If you have any good idea's about promoting our servers on other places where servers are suppose to be promoted, then see if perhaps you could take on that task yourself!
Together we build the community, we can't do everything by ourselves (you wouldn't always believe it, but we're also quite busy people in regards to work, school, etc.). So if you can donate some times in making SpA better, we'd welcome that!