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PostPosted: 22 Apr 2012, 04:38 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (118)
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Very fun with the highlander games. I'd like to hear if there's any interest for making a highl team with SpA's and community people that can participate in things like ETF2L highl ladder/leauges/tourneys. There's also a Wireplay highl season coming up with deadline for sign up at 2nd of May.

I don't say that it needs to be a ultra-competetive highl team with lots of practices etc. But a low division to start with and maybe even switching around with classes etc. Maybe it can evolve in time but just for fun in the start:)

I don't want to lead the team or anything, really. Just wanted to see if more than me would like to play more consistent highlander with the great ppl playing at spa-servs.
I can ofc help with organizing matches and fixing stuff at the leage sites if needed - but would have to be someone else doing it also. And preferably someone as in-game leader with better calling-skills than I have.

I know there's already some SpA teams atleast at ETF2L so we dont have to create a whole new one i guess.

(Have been clan leader for several years but never got the calling skills :) did more of organizing and managing)

People interested/potential lineup // mains
ToRn - scout/solly (multi)
Junco - pyro
Annarack/Scatter - medic
Dekar - spy
Nab - scout/solly
G.zeus - heavy
Dunken - sniper
tontza - demo
Mr.Green - engie



Let's try to play a startup pcw vs easy opponents? Sunday 6/5 - reply to ´register´

Last edited by [SpA]_ToRnAiDo_ on 17 May 2012, 23:02, edited 15 times in total.

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2012, 05:50 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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There's been some talk of getting a highlander team together, Scatter has suggested it and I've spoken with a couple of people like mttriplem too, but I was a little doubtful if we could get a team together that would always show up for the highlander matches. Though I thought it would be great to get us into the larger community again, I've been watching the activity of the regulars, and the numbers for the highlander events we do. Seeing if a team was feasible, but since you're suggesting it now I guess we might aswell discuss it now :P

So if we can get 9 reliable regulars fairly decent at their designated class, and pick a good caller too, then we should go for it. Of course I would like pryo for it, possible caller and medic could be mttriplem? :wink:

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2012, 16:36 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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tl;dr? there isn't one. if you wanna be on this team, go read it!

I thought I'd have my PC with me over the summer break, but if I do then it'll won't be for a couple of months yet. So I won't be able to play, but I'd like to help in whatever way I can, because highlander can be awesome if you get it right and downright shit if you don't.

The first thing you need to do - and you need to do it right now - is decide whether you're 9 random players who happen to be joining a server who happen to be on the same team and then do some deathmatching, or whether you're Europe's Biggest Keeners 2012 and do everything by the book. My experience is that if you go for a middle ground, there's too much wiggle room/space for interpretation, and the team becomes far less effective and fun because nobody is quite sure where everybody else stands. I get that compromise sounds good and all that, but honestly, if you start lowering your standards then it very quickly deteriorates after that. By the sounds of it, you're already discussing callers and such, so I'm gonna go on the basis that you're looking to form a srs-face team that will be dedicated. We have Zombie's highlanders for the less srs, so people with social lives need not apply :ugly:

I now present my how2keen guide. My advice, get people to read this if they're thinking about playing, so that everyone knows where everyone else is standing.
  • Know that if someone isn't pulling their weight (not showing up, being a mong, whatever) then they get kicked from the team at the discretion of the team leader. Don't pussyfoot around it, just do it and tell them why - you've got to be frank with each other if you want to not suck. We're in serious mode here.

    That goes for gameplay stuff too. Everyone needs to understand that if they're given advice, told to do something differently or whatever that it isn't a personal thing, no matter how bluntly it might be put, and that they need to suck it up. If you disagree and it needs discussing, talk it over in mumble during the next pre-match setup phase or after the game ends; you've got tons of time to practice, so don't waste it arguing over this and that whilst the clock is ticking. That said, if you have something that needs talking about, don't message the caller or whoever in steam, bring it up in mumble so that everyone's on the same wavelength. Don't bitch, don't be silent, just be awesome.

    Arrange two days to play on; say, on a weekday and on Sunday (just know that it's usually harder to find teams to play against on Friday and Saturday, but I'm not sure how much that still applies). Everyone always plays on those two days, unless something major comes up for them. If it does, try and give warning as early as possible. Kick people off the team if they're not playing. This is so, so important, the single worst thing about highlander is running around trying to find mercs to play, and even when you do, having just one different player interrupts the whole flow of things.

    Understand that if you sign up for a class, you *are* going to be playing that class very differently from how you play it in a public game. Teamwork makes it certain that you won't be doing the same as you are in pubs. For instance, as a pyro on defence, your job is 99 percent utility - in most scenarios, you sit on top of the sentry + medic and spycheck anything that comes close whilst reflecting rockets and ubers. You do this *for the entire round*, no matter how bored you get or how good an idea going on an axtinguisher run sounds like, unless the team caller says differently. Don't expect to be doing all that much killing on attack either. Point is, learn what your job is and stick to it. If you don't like doing that, don't play on the team.

    The above sounds easy enough when it's written down. It's much harder in practice. I know this cos I fuck it up all the time; as my experience from playing offclass has taught me, there's a big difference between knowing what you're supposed to be doing and actually doing it. Try to do your job, and accept that you will get roflstomped for a long time, and even after you get good you're still gonna get roflstomped for what feels like no reason at all. It's a difficult thing to get past and kills team enthusiasm, so just know that it's gonna happen, and when it does you should crack open the STV demo to see what went wrong and keep on keening regardless.

    Get your admin stuff sorted. Play practice matches on events/spawar to make sure you've got the settings right. Most leagues require status screenshots/scoreboard screenshots, learn what you need to do and get into the habit of doing it. Poke someone relentlessly until STV gets actually, properly fixed on one of the servers. Record an STV demo every time. Ask the techies if a SpA member on your team can be given direct access to those demos and have that member upload them to a place where everyone can get them every time (we love you techies, but it's easier for everyone if you don't have to be harassed after every single game). That isn't just for just reviewing your game, but in case you need to provide the STV for proof (against cheat accusations or whatever).

    On that note, take time to review your game. Some teams find this useful, some don't, but I'd recommend doing this on a semi-regular basis for starters anyway. One way to do this is by getting everyone in mumble and having them play an STV of the same match, starting from the same tick on the same second. Just talking about it and seeing things from a different perspective can help a bunch. I'd also be interested in taking a look at some of your STV's and doing an analysis on them (something like this, though probably a bit less in-depth and formal, unlisted/private on Youtube and geared towards making you guys better.)

    In terms of learning how to play highlander properly, there are tons of useful guides and videos out there, and if I'm not playing on the team then I'd love to be a mentor or coach or something if you'd have me - I'm far better at theory stuff than I am at actually getting playing so hopefully I'd be of some use. I'll try to make a collation/guide to what's useful resources are out there if people want it/for when this thing gets off the ground.

    I think that the whole 'you need mumble and a mic' thing goes without saying, but the issue of actually comming effectively is a tricky one, and what improvements can be made varies not just from team to team but from player to player. It's a case of saying important stuff, listening to what it being said and - the important bit - acting on calls when required and, when your main caller tells the team to do something, everyone does it as soon as possible, if not immediately, and at the same time. It's can be a difficult balance between keeping comms cleans and actually calling what should be called as succinctly as possible. I'm afraid I can't give much advice for this other than know who your main caller is and to always go with what he says. There's a ton of different factors involved in comms, so it's difficult to give general advice without taking a listen to what it sounds like in practice.

    So what's a 'perfect player'? One who is knows what he's supposed to be doing as the class he is playing, wants to be doing that/playing that class, always shows up to practice/STV reviews, puts on his srsface in-game whilst not being unsociable/an asshole out of game (not that any of you are assholes :5: ) and sticks with the team to try and make things better even if you've never won a match yet. You need to find nine of these wonderful people, one for each class. Do that, and it will be worth it; anything less (apart from the demo reviews, they're kinda optional) and you will forever be looking for last-minute mercs and the experience for the 5/6/7 guys who are taking it seriously becomes much less enjoyable. If you ask me, that just isn't worth the effort.

    Highlander is a game of clusterfucks, spam and chaos that laughs in the face of tactics and strategy. The nature of the game means that, most of the time, something in your well-oiled machine is going wrong. The goal, in the face of the runaway rape-train that's intent on spilling its flaming cargo of 'OH FUCK' over your best laid schemes, is to maintain your shit as best as possible. The team that loses their shit the least wins.
*keen = catch all adjective for the turn-up-to-practice, talk about strats and does reasearch kind of guy; a massive geek like me :ugly:

So here's my suggested philosophy - go for it like you're aiming to be the best team in the world whilst understanding that, right now, chances are you will suck, and you will keep on sucking for a while yet. Remember that this is the keen team; we have Zombie's Sunday night highlanders for the less keen. If you, potential team-player, don't have your heart in it then go play those instead. But if you understand all of what I've just said and are still up to, and so is everyone else in your team, then you have the start of something awesome.

This is the ideal model for a team, and given that the SpA TF2 community isn't nearly as busy as it was, then finding those people won't be easy. But it will be worth it. I'm always here to give what advice I can. gl & hf! :4

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2012, 23:38 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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Baby steps Scatter, baby steps :P Sound write up though, of course it'd be great if you got involved in anyway, and there's probably time for you get your PC no idea how long it will be until we have a good firm team together. You could even end up calling as medic yourself, that could work.

I think at the bottom of the chain, you can afford to be a little less tidy, and it can progress to a winning team if it looks like we've got something going, maybe some people might drop out, or be swapped, but as an intial goal it'd be good enough for me to just have a dedicated team together to participate in some games we'll probably lose flat out in :lol:

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012, 00:08 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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haha, yeah i know that that was a big scary post but it was intended to be scary. if we get it out there that this is being taken much more seriously than, say, the Sunday night highlanders, then it avoids shit like finding committed players and general drama further down the line. even if it all it achieves is a motley crew that is a bit less motley than usual then it's a start, and everyone knows what sort of model is being worked towards, then that's a good start. and i see what you mean about we're not going to get the perfect team on the first go, that's just not going to happen, but the goal is to have something like that at the end of the day :5:

it's up to you guys whether you want to go with whatever you can get going and work out the kinks from there, just don't say that i didn't warn you about never being able to get players when you need them :mrgreen: it'll be like that for a while but if you're willing to stick at it and do the dirty work of getting in replacements for those who aren't pulling their weight then it'll work out fine in the end

maybe i will play actually play, i can't really say. that's if there's a highlander league happening over summer at all! at the moment i have only a vague idea of what summer holds in store for me, other than it's gonna be me in a flat away from home in a job that i don't know the hours of yet, so i'd like to spend a few months getting sorted before i bring the PC with me. because PC = do nothing else but play games 5ever :ugly:

ah, the last thing i forgot to say - not everyone reads the TF2 board (far from it) so your best bet is just to message people in steam about it. i can't honestly say if there will be enough interest, but that's the only way to find out really.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012, 00:32 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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I deffinetly think working towards a good solid team is the way forward, hopefully we can draw on some players who'll be around for the game incase we're short a player or two, that's the best thing I can think of, hopfully it wont be needed. You should set yourself a special gaming time :P like strictly after 9pm or something, I use to do that when the uni work got quite heavy.

Yeah will probably have to hassle some people directly, I've already put a dream team together in my head :mrgreen:

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012, 15:27 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
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I know I'm not one for over competitive games but I have played a few with my friend Prophet and I've always really enjoyed them, not sure if it's because I play with strangers but we always seem to win especially when there is a main person calling the shots. Plus I always play medic when I do join in (the medic is always an empty slot) so if there is room for me to give it a go I would like to try.

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012, 15:40 
Has no REAL life! (1309)
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I'm actually interested in this, but not sure if good enough for a srs team anymore. I stopped playing it actively when it just became pub game farming so this could give more life to a baby I thought was all ready dead. Also starting at a job in 2 weeks and have no idea what the hours are so that'll also change things up a little bit, but at least I'll try to get on the Sunday romps from now on to see what class would be best for me :D

02:47 <@NabNab> saifon: you so sexy ;)
02:47 <+saifon> D:

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2012, 16:14 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Im interested (in Scatter).

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2012, 19:51 
Likes to type... (240)
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Hey guys..

its really a nice idea and i like that highlander-style very much, but apart from that its really difficult for me to promise fixed times to play. Usually i have enough time to play in a week, but I dont know days and times :| .. to schedule something is always bad for me ..
Its really sad.. but sry.. no sign up from here :-14
Maybe there is place for me as "standard-merc" or trainings partner or something else..
I will try to keep on track with you when it starts and be a bit *keen with u and scatter :ugly:

ps: good idea to post the thread in the steam-tf2-group to get some attention.

cu later :5:

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2012, 22:30 
Doesn't get out much (335)
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If u need me to help out, I can. And if u're playing in wireplay I can play (as long as it's once or twice a week)

-Pinky, div1 highlander player )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[SpA]scotteh <3 mhareh: ...hold me
failfinky (lesbo2) ۝: ...i'll hold you tight
failfinky (lesbo2) ۝: yaoi or death, baby
jakezasnake1 wrote:
i got angry so i made a penis

PostPosted: 26 Apr 2012, 21:25 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (118)
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Nice with some interest, quite sure we can find 10-12 players, question is how hard it will be to get a solid 9-man lineup:)

But like i said, I think we should start with kinda laid back play and prac som communication, tryout different classes, different players etc. I will actually work for the whole summer, some weeks nights etc so even me can't rly play fixed days from jun-aug, but most of May and some in June and then probably all autumn :)

So we could just get it started now and play occassionaly during summer if there aren't enough people just yet. Ladder might be better to start with rather than leauge since we dont have to play every week even.

Let's try to play a startup pcw vs easy opponents? Sunday 6/5 - reply to ´register´

Last edited by [SpA]_ToRnAiDo_ on 27 Apr 2012, 17:22, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: 26 Apr 2012, 21:58 
Crap at posting (48)
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I could be a backup in case there isn't enough players and I'm online :wink:

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2012, 14:59 
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I talked to Scatter some weeks ago about a fun-highlander-match, SPA vs. GGC..
Maybe I can get a team up for sunday 6th May if you want me to..?!
..or do you want to play that match at the "Zombie-Sunday-Highlanders"?
It´s your choice.. :mrgreen: Just gimme a shout so I can get the ppl up :5:

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2012, 17:13 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (118)
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Yea we are still getting a team together so we just hope for the 6th so far:) Would be fun with spa vs GDC - we still kinda need you as a super-backup tho :P

Will there be a zombie-highlander at the 6th? (nthn on the forums yet?) If so we can move ours xD
Or did you mean GDC vs SpA as zombie event? No idea what would be better:)

Just to clarify, we aren't expecting people that sign up to be able to play any number of days/week and be super-dedicated - just want some kinda team to start with and then we'll see how fun it is, if we even wanna aim hard to win and go serious anytime soon.. And that will be earliest in like sept anyway.

Maybe the reason to why most of us only play public is that people can't commit too much to a pc-game/clan :) So we could look at having a team with some stabile, alot of backups and ppl can go on and off in activity depending on work, studies, RL - need will be a big player basis ^^

Last edited by [SpA]_ToRnAiDo_ on 28 Apr 2012, 02:40, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2012, 01:15 
Doesn't get out much (338)
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I'm interested :18 I played on the previous Highlander team (whose members mostly left SpA afterwards..)

I don't know how I will have time though - but I can't make it on 6th.
Maybe I should be more like a backup. :wink:

jakezasnake1 wrote:
i got angry so i made a penis

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2012, 04:37 
Has no REAL life! (1309)
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I'm in for the 6th if my internet is up correctly. I should be getting net on the 4th to my new house so if everything goes great I can finally chat away without needing to be quiet :D

02:47 <@NabNab> saifon: you so sexy ;)
02:47 <+saifon> D:

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2012, 12:45 
Has no REAL life! (4162)
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I can always be around for some chopchop. :18

SaintK: I'm completely lost :mrgreen:

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2012, 18:20 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
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I should be available on the 6th too :4

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 02 May 2012, 16:30 
Likes to type... (240)
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hey everyone..
it seems like the Golden Gibus Club is ready for the fun-match on sunday :ugly:
but remember Onkel (if available) and I are playin on the dark side for this one :twisted:

edit: when do you want to play? 20:00 CET?

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 12:05 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
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I've lost the internet again. Fingers crossed I'll be back online by then

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 05 May 2012, 21:25 
Geek (630)
Interested in playing sniper.

Mostly only possible Friday /saturday or during the week if earlier then 9 pm and i am around. ;)
Might need hint before anyway to not forget it.

PostPosted: 05 May 2012, 21:37 
Has no REAL life! (1168)
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Engineer reporting for duty :wink:

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."

PostPosted: 06 May 2012, 19:32 
Pretty useless (68)
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I am interested in joining this team, I can play heavy,demo man and engineer rather well.
My preference would be engineer but as I see green has claimed that class we could have 2 engineers or I could simply play one of the other classes.

Please excuse any spelling mistakes I'm on an iPad

[10:36] <+Mack_> Howie I cant die D:
[10:36] <@Howard_s> challenge accepted...
macktastic360 was slain by SpA_Howard

PostPosted: 06 May 2012, 20:05 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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mack360 wrote:
I am interested in joining this team, I can play heavy,demo man and engineer rather well.
My preference would be engineer but as I see green has claimed that class we could have 2 engineers or I could simply play one of the other classes.

Please excuse any spelling mistakes I'm on an iPad
Hey mack, highlanders a 9v9 game where each team has one of each class, and it requires you to really understand the roles of the classes. Generally highlander players have spent a few hundred hours in tf2 (shorter than it sounds) before they're really comfortable in a competitive team :)

PostPosted: 06 May 2012, 23:35 
Has no REAL life! (1309)
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Hmm I'me interested in being a scout :D

02:47 <@NabNab> saifon: you so sexy ;)
02:47 <+saifon> D:

PostPosted: 08 May 2012, 17:20 
Has no REAL life! (4162)
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and it requires you to really understand the roles of the classes.
Waitwhat? That's new to me! :shock: :ugly:

SaintK: I'm completely lost :mrgreen:

PostPosted: 10 May 2012, 15:54 
Doesn't get out much (335)
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put me on backup! >:[

[SpA]scotteh <3 mhareh: ...hold me
failfinky (lesbo2) ۝: ...i'll hold you tight
failfinky (lesbo2) ۝: yaoi or death, baby
jakezasnake1 wrote:
i got angry so i made a penis

PostPosted: 11 May 2012, 03:17 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (118)
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You added :) I applied to join Spa|com highlander on - scatter u are leader there. There are 3 SpA highlander teams but most current members in the spa-com, could set up in either of those though.

We could start with a few ladder games after more pcw's, nice to have it set up with members and stuff on etf2l. Leauge will have to wait until autumn i'd say.

So Anna, junco and everyone who aren't on ETF2L already, register! :)

PostPosted: 11 May 2012, 13:43 
Pretty useless (64)
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Registered to ETF2L and applied to join Spa|com highlander.

Account name Tontz and nickname Tontza.

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