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PostPosted: 20 May 2012, 02:43 
Has learned to write! (215)
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Hey all!

So, a few of us have been playing DayZ for a few weeks now, and it can be a VERY hostile and confusing place for people who are new to the Mod.... so to save you all the grief of learning (and dying!) till you grasp the basics, i thought id post some tips here. Feel free to add anything you find useful or ask any questions!

Setting up
The first thing that many people dont like is the high amount of motion blur there is in the game. Its totally fixable, and a wise decision to do so, as seeing whats around you is kinda vital! Whilst in game, do the following: Press Escape, Video Options - In the bottom right there are two resolutions, one for 3d and one for game... you want to make both these resolutions the same. Change the 3d resolution so it matches the top one. Secondly, go into the same video options again, and clicked 'advanced' and turn off 'post processing effects' so it says disabled. OK these changes, and Viola! No more blur.

Getting Started - The basic keys etc!

A few important keys! first and foremost, Press Enter on the numpad. This will change you into 3rd person mode. i spend 9/10th's of my time in this view as it helps massively with navigation, gives you a larger field of view (helping to spot pesky bandits and zombies) and also gives you subtle hints about the health of your character (if you see blood coming out your need to bandage :P) The only time i switch to first person mode (press enter again) is to aim at distant targets using the iron sights. I even use the 3rd person mode to kill close up Zombies.

Chatting in game can be a lifesaver. Alot of 'friendly' humans tend to ask in chat 'Friendly?' if they see someone. Alot of them also make the mental decision not to trust, or to kill anyone who doesnt respond. To talk in game, you press the / key to open chat. pressing the . (fullstop) key cycles you through all the differnt chat channels. Generally, people talk in 'Side Channel', which appears light blue and is displayed to all other players on the server. Alternatively, the Direct channel (white text) just communicates to those in the close vicinity.... (see two people talking in white text? they are close careful!!) Caps lock (hold the key) does ingame voice comms via the mic... but its effectivness is a little limited due to lag. NEVER use voice chat in the main, side channel....people will hate you for it!

the ; key switches between your primary and secondary weapon (if you have them). Z X and C keys alternate between prone, crouch and standing stances. NOTE: Think of the zombies in the game as having VERY bad eye sight, but VERY good hearing.... if you see a zombie and have to pass it, going nice a slow and queit (crouch stand whilst walking using the shift key for example) will usually let you get past even extremely close zombies without being noticed. Running noisily past one thats 15 yards away on the other hand will almost certainly peak its interest!

The F button brings up a little discription in the top right of what weapon you have in your hand. it shows you how much ammo is in the clip and how many magazines you have. very useful! you can also use this to equip flares (useless pieces of shit that give away your position :P)

G brings up the gear menu. in here you can see your inventory, your backpack and what you have. You always spawn with morphine (used to treat broken bones), painkillers (if you start to get twitchy and your aim is all over the place), bandages (used if you start to bleed it - NOTE: you will die if you dont stop bleeding out), Food (used to stop hunger and restores a LITTLE blood) and drink (cures thirst). You will also get some ammo clips and a makarov (starter pistol. NOTE: it generally takes 3 shots of the makarov to kill a zombie). The inventory system in DayZ is a bit tricky to get used to at first. Honestly the best way to figure it out is to watch youtube videos of people using it. The best advice i can give in writting on here is try and get into the habit of looting people using the G button whilst looking at them/items on the floor. The middle mouse wheel is often misleading. ill go into more depth in another post or maybe post a video if it helps.

NOTE: a good thing to remember....Zombies CANT RUN INDOORS (...that would be impolite, and zombies have outstanding manners! ;-) ) if your getting chased, try and run to a house or other building...once inside, you can have a few extra seconds to take aim and shoot, or let them get further into the building before running back outside again.

Getting Started - Where am i ?!
Welcome to Chernarus! A vast, cruel and complicated landscape that spans 225km in real distance landscape. Here is a link to the map of the world: (theres a better map ill post tomorrow - on wrong PC right now). Your first priority should be trying to figure out where you are.

When you first start (or die and restart) you will almost always spawn on the beach. As the majority of beaches are at the south of the map, the chances are, you've spawned in the south. The best way to pinpoint your location is to try and find a near by town and see what its called. Most towns have road signs leading into them, a trainstation, or other label of some kind which say the name of the town. You can now use the map above to see where you are generally, and either arrange to meet with people your playing with or set a destination in your own mind where to head.

NOTE: As people spawn in the south, most people will run straight from the beach to the nearest towns in the south. As a result, there is a HIGH chance of bumping into other humans in these towns and cities. This makes these towns VERY dangerous. Heading to towns inland like Gorka, Story, or (my favourite) Berizeno in the north of the map is generally a much safer idea. It may take you a while to get there, but once there, your life expectancy will almost certainly increase (at least from player killer deaths).

WITH HIGH RISK COMES HIGH REWARD! small houses, villages, shacks etc are great for beans, small arms, cans of coke etc.... but if you want the BIG need to head into cities, military bases, gunshops and general stores. there is a price though.... these places have more zombies and more players in careful!
The Debug Menu, Blood, Items

In the top right of the screen, there is a debug menu. Your blood level is effectively your health bar. 12000 is full blood. if you bleed out by getting hit by a zombie or a gunshot...this will continue to tick down until you bandage yourself. if you get as low as 3000, you will occasionally start to lose conciousness..... NOT GOOD! you will also start to see in black and white. There are a few ways to restore blood. Eating canned food (this only restores a little, and a man can only eat so much beans ;-) ). Eating cooked meat restores alot more blood (you need to find a hunting knife and a box of matches for this. Then you can kill any of teh animals in the game (pigs, goats, deer etc), gut them with the knife for the meat and cook the meat on a fire. Finally the most effective way to restore blood is to get a blood bag and a transfusion. This unfortunetly involves getting the blood (from hospitals in the big cities) and then getting someone else (SOMEONE YOU TRUST!) to give you the transfusion (middle mouse button option). this FULLY restores all blood. NOTE: you need to break the glass on hospitals to get into them...this takes a fair amount of bullets which will attract zombies or anyone else who might hear careful!)

The humanity level in the debug menu is what seperates you from the animals! Every time you do a good deed (bandaging people, giving them transfusions, or even just running around and staying out of trouble with humans for a while...your humanity goes up. Kill, wound, or injure another player and it will go down. if it goes below 0, you will become a bandit. Your character skin will change (you will look like a terrorist as aposed to a kinda of FBI guy). Theres nothing wrong with this if you want to play like that... but be warned... you may not be trusted as easily, and people may shoot on sight! (killing a bandit does not lower someones humanity!). NOTE: just because somneone looks like a bandit doesnt necessarily mean they are 'bad'...but its a good indication! on the flipside however, just because someone looks like a survivor, doesnt mean they are nice! be careful who you trust!

You only need to eat and drink when the food and water icons in the bottom right are FLASHING red.... if they are getting red, dont panic, its only when they flash you need to worry. NOTE: before you log off at night, you should always have some form of food and water on you... the next time you log on, you often need to eat or drink immediatly.

The other icon is a thermometre - you dont have to worry about this FOR NOW! in future updates to the game, you will have another enemy to worry about - the world itself! (been running in the sun too long? head for shade! is it raining and dark at night? you need to snuggle up by the fire!)

DayZ is a fantastic mod if your willing to play it as it was intended. This isnt Left 4 Dead, its a realisim based survivol horror game. There will be large amounts of time where you might be hiding from someone, running in the forest lost, or heading to a new town. If you dont have patience (and perhaps a little bit of roleplay in you) this probably isnt your thing... but i assure you if you wont regret it. I cant remember the last 10 kills or 10 deaths i had in any other FPS game....but i assure you i can remember with vivid procision my last deaths and kills in DayZ! If you die you can lose everything, but thats teh games beauty.... its a hard world, and with incredible lows, come incredible highs when things go right.

Sit back and enjoy the emotional rollercoaster that is DayZ.... and if you have any questions, let us know on here :)

See you in Berizino..... im the one with the sniper rifle trained on the hospital door ;-)


"What are you guys talking about?"
ZombieStalin: ... God... and Porn....

PostPosted: 20 May 2012, 18:00 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
Apparently your health and thirst etc rises whilst offline.

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 21 May 2012, 14:47 
Crap at posting (45)
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[SpA]GeneralKaos wrote:
DayZ is a fantastic mod if your willing to play it as it was intended. This isnt Left 4 Dead, its a realism based survival horror game. There will be large amounts of time where you might be hiding from someone, running in the forest lost, or heading to a new town. If you dont have patience (and perhaps a little bit of roleplay in you) this probably isnt your thing... but i assure you if you wont regret it. I cant remember the last 10 kills or 10 deaths i had in any other FPS game....but i assure you i can remember with vivid precision my last deaths and kills in DayZ! If you die you can lose everything, but that's the games beauty.... its a hard world, and with incredible lows, come incredible highs when things go right.
Couldn't have put it better myself Chaos!


Having problems understand the inventory system? (trust me, everyone will relate, it's not pretty and everyone struggles with it)

Everyone is a noob when they start! Even the most seasoned player!

Waiting for server response? WTF! (server joining etiquette guide)

WHY CAN'T I GET IN GAME! (usual troubleshooting suggestions)

Trouble reading the map? (this one is a bit easier to understand than the in game one [as it has the russian town names on it] and good to have open in steam browser)

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 05:03 
Has no REAL life! (1620)
User avatar
The latest patch fixed the server response thing, the servers now aggressively clear their own cache.

Bandits now no-longer have an individual skin, its been removed (like real life) you can't always tell who the bad guys are. Trusting anyone you don't know is a bad idea, trusting Anna maybe even worse.

Zed's do a bit more damage but there's about 10 to 20% fewer in the new patch.

On my three week anniversary of playing A few things that I'd like to add:

When spawning for the first time you WILL look in the bottom right next to the status icons and watch as some data is imparted. This is the most important thing the game will ever tell you. On the second line is the general area in which you spawn. The first line is the map (Chernarus) the last your days alive. If you miss the second line there are ways to tell roughly where you are but you better get damn used to the coast line topography to do it.

How you wish to play this game can make a huge difference to the way you want to play what aim you have at the start can kind of be any, a mixture or all of these (nearly):

I Just wanna LIVE no more and no less
This is really my aim, and to do this I'd advise getting hold of three things after spawn, Matches, Wood, Hunting Knife. With these and your trusty water bottle you can survive indefinitely without going near a major town. Kill farm animals or the occasional wild boar cook the food. Filling the water at ponds, wells and water pumps will mean not needing to go to close to many towns and you can get ammo from barns. This is really a solo activity, it can be done in groups but most people are more interested in other things you know less isolated, more dangerous things.

Meat from animals:

Cow: 8
Sheep: 5
Boar: 3 (I may have sheep and boar the wrong way round but I don't think so)
Rabbit: 1*
Chicken: 1**

*Rabbits move fast and unless your desperate for blood or food (if you are you've been playing survivor wrong) then they aren't worth the ammo loss
**Chickens are about the stupidest kill in the game, they mostly spawn near chicken coops in densely populated areas, the kill gets you little meat and the attentions of the horde. DONT EVER DO IT

The ZOMBIES ate my wife I want them all DEAD
First off calm down all our wives are dead (see any women in chernarus?). If this is your aim, you'll need ammo, lots and powerful guns. Ammo is abundant for certain guns, obviously the Makarov and the Winchester are among the most prevalent. Second when you hit a town you'll wan't to get some attention, shoot a zed, now get inside. The zombie code of conduct and ethics states that when entering a building a zombie must move at its slowest speed, this gives you time to line your shots and take them out in a calm collected manor. You better expect to die a bit more doing this and get acquainted with the bandages, morphine and epipens. Bring some friends too because you guys are gonna need blood, lots. You might die more often too.

The BANDITS killed my only child and took away his toys
Damn those bandits. Let me tell you a story once upon a time, the bandits, they looked different from you or I, now they look the same. This makes hunting them and killing them harder than before, so I'll be giving up this for a while. However here's how I'd do this now: Travel as a pair or in a small group something not too noticeable. Take a position on the hills over looking the airports and wait for small unannounced groups to start the looting, follow them out and kill them. If you get bandit kills HURRAH, welcome to the circle of bandit killers, put your feet up by the fire and regale us all with the tale. If it happens you get murders well there's no humanity anymore, but if its still being kept track of heal your friends and transfuse them some blood. A human act may make the difference at the next patch and make make you feel better.

The SURVIVORS they irritate me so much with their beans and living
So you wan't to kill. This is easy enough or should be, point and click. Sooner or later though murdering people will get harder, they'll have better weapons, some shoot on site. I've never played bandit and until now I've shot any cammo skin I've seen on site (unless its been impossible for me to do so and survive). If I was to play bandit here's how I would. I'd pair up, head to the southern end of the north west airfield and enter the barracks in the woods, people forget its there, and barracks contain the best loot. After getting tooled up head east, to Berezino NOT I repeat NOT to cherno or electro, savy players, players often with better loot more time and more experience got to berezino it has a hospital, apartments and stores as well as a small industrial complex. Now KILL. Simple.

This is all well and good but my ENGINEERING degree is going to waste
Chernarus is a small failing Russian island that looks like its been through a war. However Cars, Buses and Helicopters can be found fixed and used. Engine parts, window glass, scrap metal, wheels and other bits and pieces can be found in factories in farms out houses and other assorted places. The more of these you find the higher the likelihood of finding a vehicle is in a near by town, village or factory is. You'll need more than one, I'd recommend at least 4 people here's why. You'll need fuel, for that you need a jerry can and a pump (don't ask how the electric pumps work when the street lights don't, just fucking don't) I'd leave one guy to guard the stricken vehicle, one the pump and two to transport fuel and for protection. The two guards Idealy should have sniper rifles and take a vantage point watching the route, the guard point and access routes, kill anyone that approaches. Be warned though bandits use crashed choppers and repairable vehicles as bait, the stupid ones do anyway because only noobs run up to them without doing a full circle of the area first.

For everyone else, shooting the engine block of a working vehicle kills it.

Those TOYS where did he get those wonderful TOYS?
I've already stated that the Barracks are the place to be for things like silenced M4A1's and NVG's. But what if, like most of SpA i've played with (me too) this game scares the shit out of you and the thought of hitting the airfields with the Bandits and the Body-armoured military living dead scares the shit right out of you? WHAT then cardboard I hear you asking? Well then Look for deer stands. These bastions of the hunter were in the war that recently rocked Chernarus, used by the mitary and often have, grenades, guns, and the occasional M16 with Grenade launcher. I even saw a M107 in a deerstand once but that gun is designed to stop a tank and takes the backpack slot as well.

Recently A patch has added working temperature, a reduced temperature gives you a cold, you cough (attracting the undead) and loose some blood. You now need to keep warm, being out in the sun seems to do this (after another patch), rain and storms will lower the temperature. Matches and Wood are pretty much now ESSENTIAL to all of the above.

Some Tips:
Ladders are death, avoid them as much as possible unless you like the sound of legs breaking.

Learn by sight which building you can enter, this saves you life. Aggro a zombie in town, get inside. Low on ammo need loot? Knowing which house you can enter and spotting them fast means the difference between life and death. This loot sheet should help with this (each building has a picture associated its a good place to start)

Binoculars, help you read road signs from a distance, white road signs tell you where you are. Get some. They can also help you plan a route through a town. Focus (right mouse button also helps with this).

Following on from that, learn as many as you can of the town names in Russian and their equivalents in English. Knowing the main ones in a circle route round the coast can help you find your way without ever slowing down. Beyond the coast these will help: Zelenogorsk, Vybor, Stary Sobor, Polana and Krasnostav (these are major towns on the map, most have a market, all are major way-points)

Map and Compass, you may not need them. I can find my way around now because I know where most of the towns are and by looking at tree lines and road intersections and comparing them to a browser map. However the in-game map is zoomable on some servers allows way points and will show your position and that of survivors and bandits within a certain radius. The compass is handy if you have no sense of direction at all and need to go somewhere not so random.

Roads, are dangerous stay of the coastal ones, stick to tree lines near roads as much as possible or off them entirely.

Powerlines they always go to somewhere and often by much less dangerous routes than the roads, electro to Berezino has a power line route that goes from (almost) the Hospital in one the the hospital in the other.

Docks, better than houses for confusing the Zed's, they wont set a foot on them. However you will have no cover and will be mightily exposed.

Here's a map that took a lot of work (yes I contributed my map of deer stands) here's one that shows some known water pumps/wells

If anyone in your party fires a Lee Enfield, kill them, in fact is they pick one up kill them.

Never trust me when I say "a few things"

swedishnitro wrote:
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 11:13 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
Cardboard, the map I posted is zoom-able and is the browser map too; doesn't show all the shops etc sadly

Ladders are okay, you just need to be slow and wait to see the green arrow hud marker (i think it works best with no pistol) - but don't bother doing it on deer stands or anything with collision mesh above the top of the ladder as you will fall (just be careful - and never climb a ladder in cherno lol).

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 16:03 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
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A far more realistic and less fantastical guide:

- This is a man shoot, just like every other.
- Trust no one - shoot everyone on, sight assuming you can get the shot. If you can't, hide till you can run or sneak closer and take them down.
- When you spawn, get to Elektro or Cherno (get a map in your browser and use the road signs).
- When at said city (Elektro is better for preference) simply visit the store, the office/hospital thing over from it and you wil be set. Every time I visit there I leave with a shotgun, an Alice bag, all equipment (matches, wood, knife, compass,map) and a tonne of ammo. If on the way to these places you can stop at either of the fire stations then you will likely get yourself an AK instead of the shotty. Nice!
- Shoot your way out of Elektro and head North, following the main roads (but not on the tarmac) to Stary Sobor.
- Once there, raid the market to top up food and go to the North East of the Town.
- There you will find a very basic military base that normally has 5-10 guns and all the amo you can eat. Approach the town from the north if you can and hard nose it through the tree line in case someone is already at the base. If they are, kill them and take their gear.
- Now, you have everything in the game you could need. Remember to throw away anything that makes light and any grenades they are no use. If you want to just survive, then head into teh farmlands to the north and kill animals to live. if you want more fun, head back down to Elektro and murder everyone.

- Enjoy :4 :5:

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 17:02 
The one and only (619)
Being one of the younger players of this game, that sounds like more fun and requires less thinking!

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 17:27 
Crap at posting (45)
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ZEnergy wrote:
Being one of the younger players of this game, that sounds like more fun and requires less thinking!
Age doesn't matter, Carl turns out to be more of a bad ass than his dad! I can never get into the pvp inner city stuff, just sounds dull and I don't see the point in treating it like deathmatch (as you miss the point of the mod), but if a bandit is what you wanna be lol go for it ^^ But you would probably have more fun playing L4D or Dead Island.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 17:52 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
ZEnergy wrote:
Being one of the younger players of this game, that sounds like more fun and requires less thinking!
It is, to be honest. The high and mighty ideals of the fan boys are ruining this. It's not an RPG, its not Sim life or Sim Apocalypse: its not sim any damn thing :lol:

Its a map, with lots of weapon drops, lots of zombies and a punt load of people to shoot. Death means nothing bar a reconnect and survival is just so much Virtual Hillwalker.

Get in there, kill shit, get killed: have fun :wink:

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

PostPosted: 22 May 2012, 19:19 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
esc > options > vid options > make sure resolution an 3d res r same > advanced vidoe options > disable post processing

if you want to clear up the game's... "graphics" a little bit :)

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 16:37 
Has no REAL life! (1620)
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dougy85 wrote:
Cardboard, the map I posted is zoom-able and is the browser map too; doesn't show all the shops etc sadly

Ladders are okay, you just need to be slow and wait to see the green arrow hud marker (i think it works best with no pistol) - but don't bother doing it on deer stands or anything with collision mesh above the top of the ladder as you will fall (just be careful - and never climb a ladder in cherno lol).
The zoomable browser maps mean being out of game, OK if like me you don't see another player in 6 hours or more at a time. The point of my maps were to show that there is no reason to go to cherno or elektro as anything you need and more can be found elsewhere.

Ladders were death, there are still building where the ladders are bugged and drop you at the top.

swedishnitro wrote:
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 16:49 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
Yeah I hate dropping to steam overlay in DayZ which is bad because you have to ignore a lot of messages; if I ever die because of someones steam message... blocked. :twisted: lol

I just need the Russian words, it's weird but I prefer the browser zoom functionality than the map in game lol, as it just doesn't move like I would want it too.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 17:04 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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I somehow manage to get away with alt tabbing, but I usually go prone in some bushes or something.

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 17:40 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
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GET OUT OF MY BUSH! :shock: That's what she said

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 18:02 
Crap at posting (45)
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[SpA]annarack wrote:
GET OUT OF MY BUSH! :shock: That's what she said
menju guards my prone body as I take a smoke break in a bush :D

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 17:46 
Crap at posting (37)
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well dougy thats wat i say in doin m8 :P

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 20:31 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
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On the subject of Steam Overlay: Whenever I try and use it I then can't use text chat as it starts to act like a phone with predictive texting, offering me suggestions whenever I type anything. Is this a standard bug or is my steam just being spechul? I can alt-tab fine if needed but no Steam.

As to using the map - this is why having a server next to you with its own 19" monitor really pays off. Sad to say though, as I was discussing with Cardboard, I now know a horrific amount of this map by sight. I can get to Stary from any bloody where now :lol:

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 20:38 
Crap at posting (37)
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if u have predictive text / flashing menu icons just press tab and everything should be sorted howard

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 21:22 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
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menju wrote:
if u have predictive text / flashing menu icons just press tab and everything should be sorted howard
This is what I was told but it didn't help. No biggie as I never really need to use it. People can grab me in IRC/Mumble if they need me.

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 22:48 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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I just remember to shift+tab back out instead of pressing esc when I want to exit the steam overlay. Bringing up and down the overlay with shift+tab also fixes it for me.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2012, 12:46 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
Nah, I've tried all the combinations of key pressing, chanting and sacrificing of animals to make DayZ behave correctly but to no avail. Like I say, no huge issue: I just ignore Steam while I am in game
One thing I do notice is that, while Rocket is not making nay changes to the mechanics of the renderer itself, he is managing to iron in more and more graphical and GUI based issues. So very few of the issues I have with Dayz are caused by ARMA itself. Really gotta wonder what that plank is doing to be honest...

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

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