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 Post subject: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014, 02:15 
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Just wondering if anyone has Hearthstone yet, been playing for a little while and it's quite fun. If you have it, post your tags and I'll add you. :D

I'm Tomosa#2736

[SpA]ZombieStalin : For a little more clarifaction...

Spacecarrot : how man wham do you need for awesome people? 42.

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 29 Jan 2014, 11:29 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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I was going to pick it up once it got to open beta: the problem is that whenever the game patches it re-downloads *the entire game* rather than just a few MB of data, and it's going to be like that for the entirety of the beta. For most people that's fine but for me that a couple of hours of internet devoted to patching one game, which is kinda bullshit. But I might just get it for a short while to see if I want the full version, idk.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 29 Jan 2014, 19:36 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Arena ftw!

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 04 Feb 2014, 20:51 
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[SpA]Scatterbrain wrote:
I was going to pick it up once it got to open beta: the problem is that whenever the game patches it re-downloads *the entire game* rather than just a few MB of data, and it's going to be like that for the entirety of the beta. For most people that's fine but for me that a couple of hours of internet devoted to patching one game, which is kinda bullshit. But I might just get it for a short while to see if I want the full version, idk.

Hmmm that's never happened for me O.o

[SpA]ZombieStalin : For a little more clarifaction...

Spacecarrot : how man wham do you need for awesome people? 42.

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 09 Feb 2014, 00:14 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Works great on my laptop so I'm quickly becoming addicted. I still suck though :ugly:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 11 Feb 2014, 12:19 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Yay for double posts

Any interest in a SpA Hearthstone cup/ladder? I'm thinking we could have a Best-of-3 rounds double elimination tournament over the course of a week and use the results of that tournament as seeding for a ladder. Maybe even have that ladder last for a month or so (a 'season'), and then use the ladder rankings as seeding for a new tournament, which acts as seeding for a new ladder season, and so on.

I don't know how competitive Hearthstone works but I think that something like all cards allowed and one or two set decks per player for the duration of the tournament would work (you can use whatever you like for the ladder). It should be really easy to do compared to TF2 events as we don't have to worry about servers and you guys can organise match times yourselves :mrgreen:

Usually I'd just go ahead and organise it but I'm still new to the game so I want some input on the rules, format and other important stuff before opening signups. Any thoughts?

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 15:54 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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For the Hearthstone tournament they had at Blizzcon the rules were:

Each player has 3 decks, each of a different class
Matches are Best of 5 in All-Kill format
For game 1 decks are picked blindly
The winner of a game keeps his deck
The loser of a game selects an unused deck

but for a ladder, not entirely sure.

gold4ever wrote:
i throath fuck gods of people like you and trow them in to a fucking jail. good bye your self. further more i will skulfuck your god and fuck him in his ass hes a fucking idiot.

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 16:27 
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Hey.. will add u guys soon. :wink:
Game is quite funny, but I played a few times against friends who has higher level chars..
and its rly hard to play against them. Dont know how this would work in a tournament..?!
But nice idea.. Im up for that :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 19:04 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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[SpA]gibboss28 wrote:
For the Hearthstone tournament they had at Blizzcon the rules were:

Each player has 3 decks, each of a different class
Matches are Best of 5 in All-Kill format
For game 1 decks are picked blindly
The winner of a game keeps his deck
The loser of a game selects an unused deck

but for a ladder, not entirely sure.
I like that idea, although I'd want to keep the Double Elimination format rather than All-Kill so that people don't immediately get stomped and put out of the tournament. Unless people think that DE + Bo5 will take too much time? (DE + Bo3 would be quicker, but it makes the winner keeps deck/loser changes deck thing redundant).
For game 1 decks are picked blindly
I'm not sure what the point of this rule is?
[GDC]mttriplem wrote:
Hey.. will add u guys soon. :wink:
Game is quite funny, but I played a few times against friends who has higher level chars..
and its rly hard to play against them. Dont know how this would work in a tournament..?!
But nice idea.. Im up for that :mrgreen:
Yeah, the thing about Hearthstone is that the guy that has an excellent deck is always going to be at an advantage over the guy who's just started playing. But the alternatives are having an Arena/random draft style tournament, which would just come down to being the guy who was lucky enough to get 3 Flamestrikes and 4 Fireballs, and a completely vanilla-deck tournament, which would be pretty boring tbh.

That said, I was surprised at how little time it took to get together a Warrior deck that was competitive. It's nothing special but it got me an almost unbroken win-streak to Rank 17 and it's probably going to take me a good bit further :5:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2014, 19:10 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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I would play a tournament!

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 02:55 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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The dream :mrgreen:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 13:24 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Does that work? D:

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 15:48 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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It does indeed :4

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2014, 12:51 
Has no REAL life! (1234)
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Yes it does, carrot did it to me once...

[SpA]Saint K.: I need some help trying to reproduce a crash
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 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 15 Mar 2014, 03:28 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Just went 12-2 in arena :5:

I didn't get a screenshot of the deck I used, this is it as best as I can remember it.
Mirror Image
2x Mana Wyrm
2x Worgen Infiltrator
2x Frostbolt
Faerie Dragon
Knife Juggler
Arcan Intellect
Harvest Golem
Earthen Ring Farseer
Ice Barrier
Mirror Entity
2x Firebolt
2x Dark Iron Dwarves
Ethereal Arcanist
2x Water Elemental
2x Venture Co. Mercenarres
Stampeding Kodo
Cone of Cold
Argent Commander
Sickest deck ever, would've taken some horrific playing or awful luck to not go 10+ wins with this. 2x Mana Wyrm + 2x Worgen Infiltrator + 2x Frostbolt = unbeatable early game, getting out Water Elementals and Mercs consistently on turn 4/5/6 was ridiculous and on top of all that Pyroblast is easily the cheesiest card in this game. It's no exaggeration that to say that about 10 of the games ended with a pyroblast to their face. :ugly:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 18 Mar 2014, 06:01 
Has learned to write! (185)
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Is Hearthstone worth it? I've seen The Cynical Brit play a few games of it and all I could find is that games can go either way depending on draws. Furthermore I have a problem. In ye' olden ages, we used cards with dragons and such painted on them and dueled, creating epic battles in our minds. I can't find why a GAME does it.
I mean shouldn't it illustrate it? :/ It's not like the animation is overly expensive for that scale...

"Hey, fire, do you want to see guts?" - the late 2Fat2Furious.

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2014, 18:41 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Well, what do you mean by 'worth it'? It's a free-to-play game and a pretty damn good one so it's not like it's a waste of time or money. Just download it and see if you like it :5:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 03:47 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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12-0!!! :mrgreen:
I had no idea that this deck was going to do as well as it did - I guessed something like 7-8 wins at the very best. A lot of luck is needed to go 12-0, and while I certainly did get it the truth is most of the games were over by turn 9. There were a few really close games (went down to 1hp against a hunter :shock:) but for the most part this deck was a wrecking ball.

- Fire Elemental best minion ever <3
- Black Knight only got played once. Bizzarely, I didn't even have it in my hand until the 10th game!
- I can only remember using Faceless Manipulator once, and that was to copy a Stormwind Champion. I might be forgetting other occasions though.
- The early game was strong as the Axe/Rockbiter/Bluegills meant that I could almost always remove whatever they put down, with the wolves cleaning up the rest - and I usually had some other cheap cards to play after that, meaning the overload wasn't really a problem. This usually also meant that the kinda-weak 4 drops didn't hurt me as much: on turn 4 I would be overloaded so I was mostly skipping to Drake/Tiger anyway.
- Bloodlust was basically the equivalent of Pyroblast in my last 12-win deck - a big nasty finisher that is very difficult to prevent (if you don't get a board clear anyway).
- You don't need lightning storm if everything's dead already :ugly:

I got a gold mana wyrm, a bunch of gold and 2 packs with nothing good in them. But who cares, going 12-0 is an awesome feeling and I hope you guys manage it soon :mrgreen:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 08:13 
Has no REAL life! (1481)
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id love to add you fellas but quite heartbreakingly we're on different servers

i play a warlock deck which is pretty well-rounded, early focus tends to be on spell damage boosting cards with a couple of demons in there for sacrificial pact if the need arises (succubus, voidwalker, infernal, etc). I try to lay down taunts and go for 7-damage spell hits for 0 mana :3

late-game focus tends to be oriented on pretty standard high-value cards: lord of the arena, infernals, stormwind champions for big knock-out hits on whatevers left, but the game rarely ever gets to the point where i need the 6+ mana to summon them

what builds do you guys run?

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 11:29 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Interesting deck Ivan - must be very heavily focussed on the demon thing if you've found a use for Succubus (if you're discarding a card to summon her then you're gambling on her being able to soak up at least two cards from your opponent just to break even in terms of card advantage, or have her do something like 12+ damage in an aggro deck to make up for it.) I dunno how your deck works in practice but you might want to try something other than Lord of the Arena, in my experiences he's been... well, bad :ugly: there's no point in sacrificing other stats for a taunt when the attack/defence is balanced the wrong way round and it dies easily anyway. If you want a big guy to top your curve I'd just stick a Boulderfist Ogre in there; if you really want to make it a taunt use a Sunwalker. But like I've said, I've never seen that deck in action so maybe LotA is fine :mrgreen:

Most of the time I'm playing Arena, but when I do play ladder I'm using shaman.


It's mostly based on Trump's F2P shaman but it deviates in a few places. This isn't a definitive version of the deck - shit gets changed around all the time depending on what decks are popular at the moment. Like, the lava bursts are in there because they're sexy against druids (easy answer to an innervated Yeti; efficient answer to Violet Teacher, Ancient of Lore, Druid of the Claw (1 damage short in bear form); earth shock + lava burst = dead Ancient of War and dead Cairne) and there were loads of druids a couple of weeks ago. But now I'm starting to hit more Zoo so I'm probably going to replace them with something like Wild Pyromancers soon.

Doomhammer is taking up the space where Al'Akir used to be - a big dirty finisher when combo'd with Rockbiter, but this time with a but of removal along the way. I've not seen many oozes so it's been ok, but I'm not convinced it's the best. It still feels better than Al'Akir at the moment: dude just comes out too late AND you're relying on having cards to combo him with AND you're relying on not being overloaded on the turn you want to play him.

I can't decide how good the Defenders of Argus are. Sometime's I get up two gigantic taunts to close out the game in a way that just can't be responded to, sometimes I'm left wondering why I didn't take a Yeti. I need something that makes the matchup better against Miracle Rogue and Aggro so I might swap one of them for something that helps with that (I dunno what though :ugly:)

And yes, there's a Crazed Alchemist in there. I just can't bring myself to take him out, dude is so useful! Kill Shieldbearers for free! Fuck up Ancient of War's! Insta-kill Mana Tide/Flametongue totems! Hex something and then get rid of the taunt frog! Swap a minion down to 3 health and zap it with a Lightning Bolt! Make any unfavourable trade suddenly really good! Come out of nowhere with an answer to something that your opponent didn't think you could deal with! All of that and leave a not-terrible 2/2 guy on the board! Plus he's golden and looks cool!!!

To be honest he's gotten slightly worse since I took Al'Akir out (another way to activate him - swap him from a 3/5 to a 5/3 for a 10 damage burst) and objectively he's probably terrible and there's a much better use for that spot, but I love him :26

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 18 Nov 2014, 13:03 
Has no REAL life! (1481)
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Scatter it was a pretty mediocre deck not gonna lie, very hit & miss but when it DID hit you get about 25 damage in 2 turns

maybe a 20% chance of that happening perfectly but high risk is high reward, there's no greater entertainment value than watching someone on 18hp lose it all because you have a couple of kobold geomancers on the field

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 18 Nov 2014, 22:29 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Boom-or-bust decks are really fun when they boom :5:

I've been playing a priest deck with a 90+% win rate against hunters and had the easiest climb to rank 8 ever. Finally, justice for all those nasty Buzzard + UtH combos! It was awesome.

Then today all the hunters disappeared and I was left with almost unwinnable handlock and druid matchups. Then I switched to handlock and ran into an aggro paladin that went coin > coldlight oracle into second coldlight oracle. That's how you know the game is telling you to stop playing :22

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 03:24 
Has no REAL life! (1481)
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how about them shaman bots?

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 22 Nov 2014, 11:43 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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I've heard about them a lot but I've never actually played against one! I must just be lucky cos it sounded like they were all everywhere until there was the ban wave a few weeks ago.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
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ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: Hearthstone
PostPosted: 01 Sep 2020, 07:31 
Illiterate (7)
Does anyone play gwent here then?

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