I'm gone for a week and I've not got much interest in laddering while the points distribution is still screwy but I'm sure I'll be down at some point. Preferred role atm is Zarya (learning Reinhardt, who I'm really enjoying so far, so I can switch to him as he's also a powerful tank.) Apart from Zarya my most played hero is Lucio followed by Mercy (though I've kinda gone off of her lately). For Dps I play pharah and soldier mostly, plus junkrat if we need raw damage. Haven't had a chance to play her much yet but will likely be a tracer main 500 hours of gametime from now
What degree of tryhard did you have in mind? Cos there's "make decent picks, adjust according to the situation and play as a team" and then there's "double winston double lucio double tracer for overtime cheese on KotH". One sounds fun, the other sounds pretty lame lol