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 Post subject: Recruitment Call!
PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 06:29 
Does Minecraft or something... (1323)
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So as summer is coming to a close and I'm going to be wrapped up in school, work, and the fire department I'm going to need help getting members of the general public to gain interest in the clan. As it stands the roster is only known community members and my goal is to have at least two members on each team that are not community members -- eventually having multiple teams join up.

The Goal: Have "officers" that will be able to dedicate time to recruiting members to the clan/teams. These officers must be willing to literally message random people while playing CS:GO and ask them if they're interested in joining the group. Random meaning people you as a recruiter feel will be a good part of the team, skill is needed but not entirely a deciding factor.

How To Join: Message me through a DM on the forums OR message me through Steam and let me know why you're interested in becoming an officer. Not everyone that applies will be accepted. Keep in mind you don't HAVE to be an officer to promote the clan, but officers will be the only ones able to add people to the Steam group.

The Message: Below I will write out a sample message you can copy and send to those you wish to recruit. If you do get a response and they wish to join you can add them as a friend and let an officer or other superior know and we will add them. Keep in mind they MUST have a forum account to keep in the loop of everything.

Hi, I am impressed with how you act in-game and I was wondering if you would be interested in playing on a team. If so you can check out our forum and join in the discussion by clicking the link at the end of this message. Let me know what you think and I'll see about adding you to our Steam group! viewtopic.php?f=251&t=15822

What to Look For: Recruiters are asked to look for players displaying factors of teamwork; CS:GO is a game that requires teamwork in various situations. Players must also display a level of professionalism; nobody likes it when you have someone yelling call-outs after they've been dead for a long time, or even those few that like to just carry on conversations over voice chat during a game. Most of all players need to be able to have fun, the main goal here is to have teams who enjoy working together and can cut up and have fun between games but be serious when the time comes.

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker

Last edited by [SpA]AwesomeFriends on 22 Jul 2016, 21:10, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Recruitment Call!
PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 11:55 
Has no REAL life! (1087)
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[SpA]AwesomeFriends wrote:
So as summer is coming to a close and I'm going to be wrapped up in school, work, and the fire department ...
Coming to a close?! But there's like 2 more months of vacation!

What are you looking at?

 Post subject: Re: Recruitment Call!
PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 20:57 
Does Minecraft or something... (1323)
User avatar
[SpA]heldplayer wrote:
[SpA]AwesomeFriends wrote:
So as summer is coming to a close and I'm going to be wrapped up in school, work, and the fire department ...
Coming to a close?! But there's like 2 more months of vacation!
Not for me, school starts back at the beginning of the month.

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker

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