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 Post subject: Your new Discord server!
PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 21:24 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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Hi everyone, we've been testing out our Discord server over the last few days and we're ready to open it up to the public! Discord is an easy to setup app for text and voice chat. It also works through a browser link albeit with slightly reduced functionality (for example push to talk won't work in a browser). Has a phone app. It shows you who's online and who's playing what, be it Minecraft, Overwatch or games on Steam. You can add other chats, games and communities to it without logging out of another.

Here's the link: Make sure you download the app aswell once you have an account, it's worth it.


Text chat and IRC:
The chat allows pinging players, embeded videos, emojis, formatting and other goofy gimmicks. Using a bot we have linked IRC in with it's own channel in Discord, you can communicate without issue between the two chats. It also works with Minecrafts IRC so you may speak to people logged into the server from Discord too. You can mute chat notifications by right clicking the channel you want to mute, or pressing the bell in the top right corner.

Voice client
With Mumble aging and being an absolute pain to help people setup, it was time to move on. Discord is easy to setup for last minute highlander joiners and has almost all the features and then some. You can redo all your binds like push-to-mute, change the volume of inidividual players and setup voice activity. The overlay seems to be much more reliable, and has increased functionalities. However Mumble isn't going anyhere and will be available for anyone who still wishes to use it!

You can read all about Discord's features here:
Here's some resources if you are interested:

Please report any issues you have with using Discord, still may need to tweak the permissions. Any suggestions too. Currently IRC has it's own channel to speak to Discord, let us know what you think about that over the coming days, and if it would be better if #general chat was merged with IRC instead. Few tips, make sure you don't accidently join voicechat, it only takes a click. Discord runs on windows start up unless you disable it. It will also run in the taskbar the same way mumble does if you close the window.

Anyway I'm looking forward to a closer community and easier events, see you on Discord :18

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 21:27 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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If you need help tweaking your settings just ask. By default the channels will beep you if there's a message, you can mute channels by right clicking on them, or pressing the bell in the top right corner. Right click on player names to add friends. Using @ followed by a user name will ping them.

If you need an Admin you can type @admin, there's 4 of us currently.
SpA Members are able to kick and ban users, and mute/move them in voice chat. Don't fuck about!
Regular Users have access to all channels and many of the Discord features.
@everyone is the default guest rank when you join, they have limited access to features and can only join #general chat and General voice chat.

SpA has run pretty smoothly without setting strict rules on what's okay to post, so let's keep it that way :wink:

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 04:28 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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After properly trying it out, it seems superior to Mumble in many aspects. I still haven't grasped how to make new (voice) channels on our server, though – if I even can. Probably not.

People kept calling the General voice channel the ‘Minecraft’ channel, because “we” took it over first. Folks who wanted to play other games swiftly went to #1 Phil Mitchell, and/or the other channels currently available. Does Discord have a similar temporary channel system Mumble does? If so, can we give the ability to everyone?

Another thing I researched was the ability to change the CSS of the UI. You have to press Ctrl + Shift + I to activate the HTML & CSS window utility, which you can use to change just about everything. I, myself, did font-size:24px; for the text (so I can see it from my bed, because my eyesight is pretty shit):
Maybe we should ditch Mumble after all. As Junco already said, it even has an IRC link.

_________________ – My compositions :U

“If I myself had to portray the term 'people' by drawing it, I'd draw a mere gaping mouth, a clamouring mouth.” ― Pentti Linkola.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 11:18 
Has no REAL life! (1087)
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[SpA]Dolf wrote:
Another thing I researched was the ability to change the CSS of the UI. You have to press Ctrl + Shift + I to activate the HTML & CSS window utility, which you can use to change just about everything.
That's just the built-in browser developers tool.

What are you looking at?

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 13:25 
SpA Fookah (4459)
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So, the chat of discord is connected to irc chat? I always hate setting up irc so ask saint to do it, until i quit like 5 to 6 years back, haven't been using it since.
Would be nice if being on discord would mean i could see irc chat as well.

M.A.S.K. , is the mighty power that can save the day

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 13:28 
Community slut (13474)
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[SpA]Bucky wrote:
So, the chat of discord is connected to irc chat? I always hate setting up irc so ask saint to do it, until i quit like 5 to 6 years back, haven't been using it since.
Would be nice if being on discord would mean i could see irc chat as well.
That's correct.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2016, 14:05 
SpA Fookah (4459)
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M.A.S.K. , is the mighty power that can save the day

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 20:26 
Does Minecraft or something... (1323)
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Now I don't have to remember my quakenet password! I really do enjoy the ability to see pretty much every chat message between servers and IRC through discord and being able to easily switch between channels. My only problem with it is the inability to make temporary channels.

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2016, 11:29 
SpA Fookah (4459)
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I think it was nice that we were able to custom make channels in mumble but it's not a real necessity tbh.
We can make generic channels like 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, etc., right?
Like what we are used to in TS?

M.A.S.K. , is the mighty power that can save the day

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2016, 18:59 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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Reason you can't create channels is that the permission for it also allows people to delete or edit existing channels which could be destructive. At the moment we have a General voicechat and then #1, #2, #3, #4 premade channels. We can add more. Discord is still adding features though, so fingers crossed for temp channels.

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2016, 20:07 
Does Minecraft or something... (1323)
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[SpA]JuncoPartner wrote:
Reason you can't create channels is that the permission for it also allows people to delete or edit existing channels which could be destructive. At the moment we have a General voicechat and then #1, #2, #3, #4 premade channels. We can add more. Discord is still adding features though, so fingers crossed for temp channels.
May help if we all send an email or request of some sort to let the developers know we are really interested in the feature.

Edit: There's already quite a few requests for it, we can upvote requests. ... group-idea
Edit 2: There is also already one thing in the works that will allow sub-channels: ... r-sub-chat

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 11:45 
Has no REAL life! (1234)
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I demand a room named Party Corner!

[SpA]Saint K.: I need some help trying to reproduce a crash
[SpA]Saint K.: would u mind joining me ?

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 11:56 
Has no REAL life! (1087)
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[SpA]don_don_don wrote:
I demand a room named Party Corner!

What are you looking at?

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 14:46 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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[SpA]heldplayer wrote:
[SpA]don_don_don wrote:
I demand a room named Party Corner!

_________________ – My compositions :U

“If I myself had to portray the term 'people' by drawing it, I'd draw a mere gaping mouth, a clamouring mouth.” ― Pentti Linkola.

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 16:38 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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[SpA]don_don_don wrote:
I demand a room named Party Corner!
I demand you get your butt on Discord :P

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 18:34 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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[SpA]JuncoPartner wrote:
[SpA]don_don_don wrote:
I demand a room named Party Corner!
I demand you get your butt on Discord :P


gold4ever wrote:
i throath fuck gods of people like you and trow them in to a fucking jail. good bye your self. further more i will skulfuck your god and fuck him in his ass hes a fucking idiot.

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2016, 11:44 
SpA Fookah (4459)
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It tells me I have to download and install if I want to change output settings :(

M.A.S.K. , is the mighty power that can save the day

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2016, 13:24 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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[SpA]Bucky wrote:
It tells me I have to download and install if I want to change output settings :(
Yeah the browser app has reduced functionailty. Would recommend downloading the app, it doesn't need much (if any) setting up.

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2016, 14:24 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
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I love it. Good choice guys :4 :5:

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 00:06 
SpA Fookah (4459)
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I like it too. Would like to see the irc and general chat channel merged though.

M.A.S.K. , is the mighty power that can save the day

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