Hi everyone, we've been testing out our Discord server over the last few days and we're ready to open it up to the public! Discord is an easy to setup app for text and voice chat. It also works through a browser link albeit with slightly reduced functionality (for example push to talk won't work in a browser). Has a phone app. It shows you who's online and who's playing what, be it Minecraft, Overwatch or games on Steam. You can add other chats, games and communities to it without logging out of another.
Here's the link:
Make sure you download the app aswell once you have an account, it's worth it.
Text chat and IRC:
The chat allows pinging players, embeded videos, emojis, formatting and other goofy gimmicks. Using a bot we have linked IRC in with it's own channel in Discord, you can communicate without issue between the two chats. It also works with Minecrafts IRC so you may speak to people logged into the server from Discord too. You can mute chat notifications by right clicking the channel you want to mute, or pressing the bell in the top right corner.
Voice client
With Mumble aging and being an absolute pain to help people setup, it was time to move on. Discord is easy to setup for last minute highlander joiners and has almost all the features and then some. You can redo all your binds like push-to-mute, change the volume of inidividual players and setup voice activity. The overlay seems to be much more reliable, and has increased functionalities. However Mumble isn't going anyhere and will be available for anyone who still wishes to use it!
You can read all about Discord's features here:
Here's some resources if you are interested:
Please report any issues you have with using Discord, still may need to tweak the permissions. Any suggestions too. Currently IRC has it's own channel to speak to Discord, let us know what you think about that over the coming days, and if it would be better if #general chat was merged with IRC instead. Few tips, make sure you don't accidently join voicechat, it only takes a click. Discord runs on windows start up unless you disable it. It will also run in the taskbar the same way mumble does if you close the window.
Anyway I'm looking forward to a closer community and easier events, see you on Discord