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 Post subject: The End.
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2018, 06:38 
Geek (883)
User avatar
The server has been shut down forever. It’s heen a great run, in memory of the Survival/Freebuild servers, please post your favorite memory of the server.

@mods please pin this post on general mc forums, you’re gonna delete this part of the forums anyways so please do it for your fav brownie.

Assassin3562: ./Suck my balls Divotoo
Divotoo> asking to get your balls sucked doesnt really help you when called gay
<Divotoo> just saying tho
<Assassin3562> :P
*Assassin3562 thinks his life over

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2018, 13:28 
Community slut (13474)
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Me: Joins MC Freebuild being off my tits stoned to look at all the crazyass shit people have been building
Random admin in game: ITS SAINTK *slaps on full-admin tags*
Me: Proceeds to accidentally wreck half the builds thinking I have no building/removing powers and I can happily just click buttons and roam around.
Me after discovery: Please don't ever give me admin again if you value the server and your builds :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2018, 19:16 
Geek (733)
User avatar
Some of the most memorable things that occurred while I played, besides the obvious with promotions and such, include anna with flowers on freebuild, that one time NabNab came on the SMP server, and testing out the stargate plugin with the aussie crew. Whilst testing I was forcefully introduced to a certain music video about taking a girl to the movies.

We had a good run over the years, and I'm sure everyone who played on the servers made some great memories.

<@wankin> i have a double penis one where it's meant to be and one on my head so i get called dick head alot but a plus is the ladies love it

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2018, 20:23 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (127)
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I remember when Minecraft and the server conspired to try and turn me into a damn squid, then a floating arm.

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2018, 20:25 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (127)
User avatar
Also still mad I never really got to use this

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 13 Apr 2018, 04:58 
Crap at posting (40)
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Tried hopping on tonight to checkup to find the server is dead! Long live the SPA minecraft server!

Though I was not as active in these past couple of years, this still hit me way harder than I thought it was going to. So if you don't read the rest of this, just know that I want to thank every single one of you that I interacted with over my time on the server, whether good or bad. From randomly finding the IP to making some lifelong friends, SPA has helped me through a ton. My prime years on the server were in middle school, and you all got me through some very rough stuff with a good joke and friendly conversation or just having some fun at the end of the day.

So in conclusion, thank you. The memories mean the world to me, and I can't overstate how important that time was for me.

Now I figured I'd post some of my memories from the server! So come along as I reminisce or pretty much just jot these down so they don't fade from my mind eventually :4
*This is going to be long winded and very specific so don't feel obligated to read it*

- I started on the map before Bedlam, but I can't remember what that one was called as it was right before the map transition.
- Bedlam brought me running around the map and randomly dying, while starting to learn the names of people and recognize them. I don't doubt I was a very annoying little kid at this time haha
- Eventually I got [R] and was able to move to the other map! I took over the large wooden house right next to one of the gates and made my home there.
- Then I made my own house and experimented with redstone for the first time. I actually made a working door!
- Next came moving into adog's complex of houses and living there, paying rent, and really getting way too into it lol
- I remember justkam, not sure what happened to him honestly. Hope he's doing alright.
- I became friends with Peacedaisee! I still keep in touch with sierra but not really too much, still just one of the people I never would have met or gotten to know without the server.
- Promoted to [M] and then [Vet]. This was way too important to me at the time and I was incredibly proud of my ranking lol.
- I tried to level up my stats as much as possible, including throwing myself off cliffs repeatedly. Sorry for all the death messages :ugly:
- I played Ultra Hardcore and won both times I played. People really don't like when you sprint circles around them and hit them into lava haha
- Many more maps and temp maps came and went, some of the main ones that stand out to me are the Christmas ones. We could open up Christmas Crackers which was mind blowing at the time and let me tell you I farmed those things!
- I've had more conversations than I can count with Dolf, and probably some I'm glad I don't remember. Thank you for always entertaining me and talking :lol:

- Most importantly I talked and laughed and had a great time with people I care deeply about now. If I didn't mention you by name it doesn't mean I didn't forget ya! Y'all were amazing, and still are.

Okay, end of this long ass post. Like I said before this hit me harder than I thought it would but I think that's just testament to how much that time meant to me. Thank you, and goodnight server.
Also if any of y'all wanna keep in touch more or talk, just let me know!

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 23 Apr 2018, 12:34 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
User avatar
stesser wrote:
–– Snippety snappety ––

So in conclusion, thank you. The memories mean the world to me, and I can't overstate how important that time was for me.
No, no, thank you, for playing and all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
stesser wrote:
–– Snippety snappety ––
- I've had more conversations than I can count with Dolf, and probably some I'm glad I don't remember. Thank you for always entertaining me and talking :lol:

- Most importantly I talked and laughed and had a great time with people I care deeply about now. If I didn't mention you by name it doesn't mean I didn't forget ya! Y'all were amazing, and still are.
stesser wrote:
Okay, end of this long ass post. Like I said before this hit me harder than I thought it would but I think that's just testament to how much that time meant to me. Thank you, and goodnight server.
Also if any of y'all wanna keep in touch more or talk, just let me know!
Our Discord server is always open ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

_________________ – My compositions :U

“If I myself had to portray the term 'people' by drawing it, I'd draw a mere gaping mouth, a clamouring mouth.” ― Pentti Linkola.

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 14 Oct 2018, 22:32 
Illiterate (7)
My god I disappeared for too long... It was really fun while I was online though!

In any case, I'd have to say one of the most memorable moments was when I first joined the freebuild server and within the first week got myself banned for accidentally insulting one of the admins I believe? Called them a jerk or something. Glad I made an appeal and came back though because the server had a really great community!

Can you believe it's been 6 years for me? I started playing when I was like 12 or something haha.

Miss you all!

 Post subject: Re: The End.
PostPosted: 02 May 2019, 22:34 
Pretty useless (90)
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CanadaCanucks and McMrCat accidentally filling my freebuild world with 3 billion water blocks. Also getting promoted to architect was pretty great. Sup guys.

nope__avi: i need a signature someone be retarded
^Mc_MrCat: well lucky for you avi, I am often called, quite retarded, by my peers, doctors, mom, dad, dog. So I will should have a good quote for you sometime soon.

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