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 Post subject: Budsewell for [SpA] 2.0
PostPosted: 14 Aug 2020, 02:29 
Does Minecraft or something... (190)
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So, you want to be a [SpA]?!
I sure do! I would love to join in on all the fun and exciting things that SpA has to offer!

Do you know what you're applying for?
I understand that the [SpA] tag is a privilege to have. It means that I am to help the Community in any way that I can. I had been very laxidacious in the past with my last application and didn't fully understand what being [SpA] actually meant. I now understand that being a part of this community means more than just a shiny new name, but a gateway to unlimited possibilities within this gaming community.

Can you help the SpA Community?
I am unfortunately not as talented as my brother in the computer tech savyness of it all but I am always willing to lend a hand in whatever way possible. I know the freebuild server like it is a second home and I am always willing to hop on at a moment's notice. I also understand that SpA is more than just Minecraft but it is something I have a passion for.

Do we know who you are?
I believe you do! Let me attach my 3 about me posts so you will know me! (In order from oldest to newest.)
Our first tribute!.... budsewell!!!
Budsewell's Updated bio
Budsewell 3.0? (who's this guy)

Are you gonna make a good server admin?
I'm an Operator on the newly revamped Freebuild server and will continue to help there as much as possible. I have shown my worth as an admin for years on Minecraft alone. If there is ever a need for admins on other servers, or maybe other roles in the community, I am always willing to lend a hand!

Do you have a sense of fun?
I sure do! I play a lot of console games! My favorite game as of now is Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare. I am always looking to stick my nose into new things and cause some mayhem if need be.

Can you accept that you aren't going to please all of the people all of the time; and vice-versa?
I understand that my views and opinions are always going to be under the scope, but if you don't like it you can happily keep it to yourself or we can have a disscussion about it. Either option is good with me! I am always open minded and open to debate if the need is there.

I appreciate the consideration for [SpA] and I look forward to continuing my promotion of how amazing this community is!

Best Regards,

Gonna leave this here for a reference of how lame I was.

budsewell: I don't believe the year 2020 is our friend.

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2020, 02:31 
Does Minecraft or something... (1323)
User avatar
Who's this guy? :ugly:

Good luck bud!

Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.
-Christopher Parker

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2020, 21:40 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Using the forums, in 2020, red alert! :ugly:


ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2020, 01:30 
Does Minecraft or something... (190)
User avatar
You better watch out! Buds is back and ready for action! And thanks guys!

budsewell: I don't believe the year 2020 is our friend.

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2020, 04:09 
Geek (733)
User avatar
Thanks for your application, buds! Good luck! :5:

<@wankin> i have a double penis one where it's meant to be and one on my head so i get called dick head alot but a plus is the ladies love it

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2020, 10:30 
Has no REAL life! (1240)
Good luck matey! :4

<@UNICORN_XD> i are a goast
<@UNICORN_XD> yes, having exams this week has made me stupid
Whiskers: Shoegaze music is great music to poop to - I feel like I've just fought an epic battle

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