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Author:  [SpA]Bucky [ 06 Jul 2009, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

50k is a tad high and your putting the server under higher load then it'd be necessary.
Us running the winmtr for a few hours is not that usefull as we don't have any lags ourselves.

cl_cmdrate 67
cl_updaterate 67
rate 30000

these are the right ones, you could try it out with a rate of 50k to be sure it ain't rates.

Let that dude himself run the winmtr for a few hours, if you get massive loss again, you're probably having a routing issue and you need to call your ISP and show em the winmtr results, they'll know what to do with it. Saint will be back on friday, you could wait for him, but he's gonna tell you the exact same thing as I just did. On the trace you just ran I can't find anything fishy there, only a bit of loss.

Check the similar posts about traces :
http://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopi ... lit=winmtr
http://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopi ... lit=winmtr
http://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopi ... lit=winmtr
http://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopi ... lit=winmtr
http://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopi ... lit=winmtr

All of which ended in "contact your isp". That is if you do have a routing issue or a faulty machine between you and our server. A winmtr of a few hours should show that :roll:

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 06 Jul 2009, 21:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Advised rate is actually 50000 on our servers ;)

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 06 Jul 2009, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Oh, and to awnser your question. The packetloss (the actual one which counts, the 7%) is caused by the Leaseweb network judging from your MTR trace. I've seen similair results for UK connections earlier before i left for holiday.

I reported this to Leaseweb, but they claimed they could not find any issue. Now it seems to keep comming back. I'll have another chat with Leaseweb friday. Something tells me i have to contact their team manager again if they tell me again 'yea no, couldn't find anything'.

Thanks for the MTR trace. If possible please repeat the trace a couple of times when you have the problem. And please PM me your IP (www.whatsmyip.org), Leaseweb requires counter-traces from our servers.


Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 06 Jul 2009, 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

I feel like a real technician :mrgreen:

Author:  askj [ 07 Jul 2009, 02:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Well, this actually happens to other games aswell.

Could it be the router?

I'm going to leave winmtr running for a few hours, I'll post later the results.

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 07 Jul 2009, 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

so I took a look at net_graph 4 today and I noticed that lagspiked happen due to stringcmds and otherplayers; as far as I can tell anyway, choke sometimes jumps up into the 40-50 region at the same time, but it usually just stays at 0. I've got one or two screenshots, but I can't see anything else out of the ordinary.

I get the feeling that there isn't much I can do about this, but I'm gonna ask if techy guys have any ideas anyway on how to improve things.

(this was on server 1 btw, where the problems seem to be most persistant)

Author:  [SpA]Bucky [ 07 Jul 2009, 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Did you check your rates?

Author:  askj [ 07 Jul 2009, 14:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag


Winmtr results after a few hours.

Author:  [SpA]Bucky [ 07 Jul 2009, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

as far as i can see that's not that much loss, although no loss is always preferrable. Maybe saint can shed some more light on this if it's too much loss.

Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 07 Jul 2009, 18:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

I don't think so, if I run it for a long time I get about 4-5 loss over all the routes and my connection to the servers is fine as far as I can tell.

Although his 'Worst' pings are quite extreme, my worst are normally 70-100 and one that goes to 250, it of course depends on how often he gets those worst pings.

Author:  [SpA]Pim [ 08 Jul 2009, 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

1% is within the boundries, no problem there....

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 08 Jul 2009, 09:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

The trace looks good at the moment, 1% loss is acceptable.

The real problem here is in the first trace. This 7% loss in the Leaseweb network seems to come and go, it's not a permanent issue.

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 10 Jul 2009, 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

might as well bump this thread instead of making a new one.

looking at netgraph 4, I can see where my problems are really coming from; loss (can be from 10-20) and choke (about 10) when lagging. I'll try running that scan that was posted about, and I'll show you the results. any preliminary guesses?

I'll double check my rates, although I haven't changed them at all.

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 10 Jul 2009, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Scatterbrain wrote:
might as well bump this thread instead of making a new one.

looking at netgraph 4, I can see where my problems are really coming from; loss (can be from 10-20) and choke (about 10) when lagging. I'll try running that scan that was posted about, and I'll show you the results. any preliminary guesses?

I'll double check my rates, although I haven't changed them at all.

As your from the UK it sounds like the same issue. I'm curiouse for the MTR results.

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 24 Jul 2009, 17:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

late bump again

when I leave winmtr running, even for a long time, when I copy+paste results the place where the results should be is being left blank. so, clearly, I'm doing it wrong. any thoughts?

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 24 Jul 2009, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

[SpA]Scatterbrain wrote:
late bump again

when I leave winmtr running, even for a long time, when I copy+paste results the place where the results should be is being left blank. so, clearly, I'm doing it wrong. any thoughts?

thats odd. And when you export the results to HTML ?

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 24 Jul 2009, 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

same thing happens, blank fields. the window in the application itsself is also blank, so that suggests to me that it hasn't worked in the first place.

Author:  [SpA]lacop [ 24 Jul 2009, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

[SpA]Scatterbrain wrote:
same thing happens, blank fields. the window in the application itsself is also blank, so that suggests to me that it hasn't worked in the first place.
Uhm, did you press start? :demm:

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 24 Jul 2009, 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

yes D;

edit: it seems to recognise the port and then yeah, it acts like it's starting something. but then nothing really happens after that.

Author:  CatR [ 24 Jul 2009, 21:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Try taking it out for dinner? That might loosen it up :|

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

baump again

not having much luck with winmtr, so here's a tracert to specialattack on a bad day. as far as I can tell (and I can't tell alot) it just proves that my ISP is the problem, is there anything I can do about it other than give them a call?
C:\Users\Scott>tracert specialattack.net

Tracing route to specialattack.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    20 ms    99 ms    99 ms  BThomehub.home []
  2   275 ms   305 ms   337 ms  esr12.edinburgh6.broadband.bt.net [
  3   306 ms   291 ms   257 ms
  4   257 ms   273 ms   319 ms
  5    40 ms    39 ms    41 ms
  6   265 ms   295 ms   242 ms
  7   268 ms   261 ms   261 ms
  8   240 ms   279 ms   191 ms
  9   166 ms   172 ms   142 ms
 10   198 ms     *      241 ms  core2-pos1-2.edinburgh.ukcore.bt.net [217.32.169
 11   280 ms   215 ms   175 ms  core2-pch4.birmingham.ukcore.bt.net [
 12   170 ms   245 ms   231 ms  core2-pos0-1-4-0.ilford.ukcore.bt.net [62.6.204.
 13   230 ms   182 ms   208 ms  core2-pos14-1.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net [195.99.12
 14   251 ms   252 ms   241 ms
 15   375 ms   385 ms   387 ms  te1-4.sr1.esy.leaseweb.net []
 16   287 ms   305 ms   305 ms  mrwhite.specialattack.net []

Trace complete.

Author:  [SpA]Blackhawk [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Blame your ISP!

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag


Your right. Your ping to your ISP network is already seriousely screwed.

More to worry is that your ping to your own router is seriousely messed up. This should be 1-2 ms tops.

Any other people on your line? Tried restarting your router/modem?

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

yeah, I've got the rest of my family on the network too. I keep asking them what the hell they're doing, but it looks like it's just MSN and stuff, but that doesn't add up >_<

I'll take another trace later tonight, things usually calm down a bit then.

Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

I have 90ms to all NL servers now :( I get 60ms to germany so it's pretty weird.

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 17 Aug 2009, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

[SpA]Scatterbrain wrote:
yeah, I've got the rest of my family on the network too. I keep asking them what the hell they're doing, but it looks like it's just MSN and stuff, but that doesn't add up >_<

I'll take another trace later tonight, things usually calm down a bit then.
Time to check their Pc's for virusses or P2P software tbh

Author:  [SpA]Blackhawk [ 17 Aug 2009, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

I should look more like this:
trace route to www.specialattack.net []

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     6 ms     6 ms     7 ms  dslb-092-077-128-001.pools.arcor-ip.net []
  3     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms
  4    10 ms    11 ms    10 ms
  5    11 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  6    18 ms    19 ms    19 ms
  7    18 ms    17 ms    16 ms  crs-tc2.leaseweb.net []
  8    17 ms    17 ms    18 ms  te1-4.sr1.esy.leaseweb.net []
  9    19 ms    18 ms    19 ms  mrwhite.specialattack.net []

Author:  [SpA]Scatterbrain [ 29 Aug 2009, 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

hai and welcome to another edition of scatterbrains big blog o' lag D;

after some more jiggery pokery I've worked some more stuff out - mostly, that the high ping on the first hop is just a firmware glitch that doesn't transalate into my connection being any higher, and that I can put the lag down to either family being on the internet same time as I am (gonna double check the othe machines for viruses and such) or that stuff gets stupidly slow at peak times (something I'm not convinced about, and I get the feeling that it's more my immediate neighbours being online that affects things, not just everyone connected to the exchange. that's just a hunch though :p).

so that leaves my with 3 things I can actually do - check everything for zomgviruses, find a way to kick my family off of their machines because clearly my need is greater than theirs, or find a way to kick everyone in my neighbourhood off of their machines because my need is greater than theirs :ugly: oh and it's not p2p, I did check for that.

Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 29 Aug 2009, 23:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

Spotify? People downloading small files but using all your bandwitdh?

Author:  [SpA]Blackhawk [ 30 Aug 2009, 01:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag

A good router shouldn't have problems with other parties using the interwebz.

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