
[MW2] - Hosting
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Author:  Murk [ 20 Oct 2009, 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]cardboard wrote:
sequel is milking you for all the money they can and taking short cuts as far as the game goes?
Except that Cod4 is a good sequel, or rather, a very new game under the same brand. At the very least, single-player wise.

Why don't you go yell at Need for Speed and leave Call of Duty alone

Author:  [SpA]Relentless [ 21 Oct 2009, 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Murk wrote:
[SpA]cardboard wrote:
sequel is milking you for all the money they can and taking short cuts as far as the game goes?
Except that Cod4 is a good sequel, or rather, a very new game under the same brand. At the very least, single-player wise.

Why don't you go yell at Need for Speed and leave Call of Duty alone
Anyone who buys Call Of Duty for the single player alone hasnt got a clue tbfh.

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 21 Oct 2009, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

... care to elucidate on that? sounds like a pretty stupid statement to me...

Author:  [SpA]Relentless [ 21 Oct 2009, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Call of Duty is a multiplayer game while its single player mode is basically a just a feature the developers have thrown in - like bots in CS:S. Come one, do you know ANY person that bought CoD4, a full price game, and played the single player campaign which lasts ~4h without even trying online mode?
Everyone I know who played the single player alone torrented the game, and the ones who bought it play multiplayer exclusively (also because the game is hardly replayable without getting bored until you fall asleep).

Author:  Bartg [ 21 Oct 2009, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Well I bought it on launch day, completed campaign on veteran in couple of days and then went into multiplayer. Of couse you wont buy cod game just for single player, but I think its awesome enough to complete it first.

Author:  Murk [ 21 Oct 2009, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]Relentless wrote:
Call of Duty is a multiplayer game while its single player mode is basically a just a feature the developers have thrown in - like bots in CS:S. Come one, do you know ANY person that bought CoD4, a full price game, and played the single player campaign which lasts ~4h without even trying online mode?

Except for 10 minutes of MP which was purusaded by a friend of mine and I didn't really get into it.

Author:  annarack [ 21 Oct 2009, 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]Relentless wrote:
Call of Duty is a multiplayer game while its single player mode is basically a just a feature the developers have thrown in - like bots in CS:S. Come one, do you know ANY person that bought CoD4, a full price game, and played the single player campaign which lasts ~4h without even trying online mode?
Everyone I know who played the single player alone torrented the game, and the ones who bought it play multiplayer exclusively (also because the game is hardly replayable without getting bored until you fall asleep).
...uh me! I've played it on the PS2 and I only played the single player version.... never once played it multplayer :85

Author:  DrMcMoist [ 21 Oct 2009, 23:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

I thought the single player on Call of Duty 4 was excellent. Especially the level set in Pripyat.

I've never played it online. The only time I even played the multiplayer was at this guys house in Edinburgh, and that was split screen on the PS3.

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 22 Oct 2009, 10:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Bartg wrote:
Well I bought it on launch day, completed campaign on veteran in couple of days and then went into multiplayer. Of couse you wont buy cod game just for single player, but I think its awesome enough to complete it first.
That's what i did too, don't see any point ignoring the SP after so many people spent so many long hard hours making that experience. And i've replayed it several times, and still im finding new routes and scripted events i hadn't seen on previous playthroughs. I enjoyed the Hardcore MP alot, the normal mode was shit, but hardcore was fun. Hopefully those few people who had the 4hr SP experience will learn to increase the difficulty mode and then get a longer more action packed experience. I read that 30% of cod4 xbox consumers have never played the single player game,... all i have to say to that is,... there loss, and ... idiots.

Author:  [SpA]SaintK [ 22 Oct 2009, 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

I never play singleplayer for the simple fact that i don't enjoy gaming by my own.

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 22 Oct 2009, 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

im sorry to hear that mate, you are missing out on some great single player games.

Author:  [SpA]Blackhawk [ 22 Oct 2009, 12:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]SaintK wrote:
I never play singleplayer for the simple fact that i don't enjoy gaming by my own.
Wehehe... if you want you really can read something different from this. :ugly:

Author:  [SpA]Hunth [ 22 Oct 2009, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]SaintK wrote:
I never play singleplayer for the simple fact that i don't enjoy gaming by my own.
i totaly agree for myself. though i try a sp game from time to time (mostly when im really bored)

Author:  [SpA]cardboard [ 22 Oct 2009, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Murk wrote:
[SpA]cardboard wrote:
sequel is milking you for all the money they can and taking short cuts as far as the game goes?
Except that Cod4 is a good sequel, or rather, a very new game under the same brand. At the very least, single-player wise.

Why don't you go yell at Need for Speed and leave Call of Duty alone
See thing is I do rant at NfS and other pointlessly long running endlessly bland and idea recycling series. Also theres very little NEW about CoD4 unless you count the redecoration and its also spectacularly short for a modern FPS. Also the story isnt that great, and may as well have put in a thank you to the orriginal Operation Flashpoint as source for most of the games ideas apart from the middle eastern connections. As a finally point the multiplayer while enjoyable was filled with the most annoying simple stupid little pricks that frankly the game wasn't worth playing anymore.

So fine its game that does nothing that hasn't been done before but the game is very well made with a focus on detail and quality that are left wanting in most games these days, but frankly; so what?

That by the way is me having a go at the game, before I was critisicing the rather unimaginative developers and their attitude. I get that you like the game and you're one of 13 million people that apparently do so why does it bother you that my voice is a frankly lonely voice of decent on this?

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 22 Oct 2009, 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

fairplay cardboard, not knocking ur opinion or anything. I just like to see shit done well, and for an FPS this ticks all the boxes for me.

Though i do wish developers would get a lot more creative with there FPS concepts like back in the good old days where you could have Hitler with mini guns on his arms, or some blonde sexist prick shitting on aliens heads and using them as toilets, or even some random dickhole going out for some milk and bread and ending up killing everyone, punching a dog to death then urinating on some poor soul that was pounded to near death with a spade,

or a tobacco spitting red neck killin s&m aliens and drinking moonshine! i wish they did a next gen version of redneck rampage!

Author:  Murk [ 23 Oct 2009, 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Good news everyone! MW2 is extremely overpriced in entire Europe (with the exception of UK)! It's only 60€! Oh and did I remind you of PAID DLC? I'm pretty sure I did.

I almost forgot to mention that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PREORDER DISCOUNT. But who cares, right.

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 23 Oct 2009, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

i got it for £34.99... what the hell are they doing ? why are they trying to desperately fuck everyone off?

Author:  [SpA]Blackhawk [ 23 Oct 2009, 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Won't buy it. EOD.

Author:  [SpA]Relentless [ 24 Oct 2009, 00:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

I dont think there has been an video game community yet that got bitchslapped so hard by the game developer :ugly:

Author:  Bartg [ 24 Oct 2009, 01:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Maybe after they'll see their game being downloaded milions of times from teh internetz they will realize their mistakes.

Author:  [SpA]futari [ 24 Oct 2009, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

I'll wait till they are all in the bargain bin for under 5 euro in about a month after release >_>
I'll probably end up pirating it for a single player run though~

Author:  [SpA]Baal Kagan [ 24 Oct 2009, 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]futari wrote:
I'll wait till they are all in the bargain bin for under 5 euro in about a month after release >_>
I'll probably end up pirating it for a single player run though~
same ..

Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 24 Oct 2009, 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

same here :cry:

Author:  DrMcMoist [ 24 Oct 2009, 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]ProtectMyBalls wrote:
i got it for £34.99... what the hell are they doing ? why are they trying to desperately fuck everyone off?
They're pushing hard to see how much they can get away with, when it comes to screwing over the consumer.

Their arrogance is really starting to get annoying.

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 24 Oct 2009, 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

i dont see the game being in the bargin bin, and to be fair to IF and Activision. a majority of game consumers, will say "oh im not buying it blah blah, rabble rabble" but in fact they will buy anything.

ive seen some really toilet games make it into the top 10.

Author:  Bartg [ 24 Oct 2009, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Well if xbox game is toilet, but allows you to make easy 1000GS it will sell millions ;) Activision will probably reach bottom in terms of customer appreciation - tons of Guitar Qeero games and kilotons of dlc for GH, ridiculously espensive plastic guitars and drums special edition for every single GH game and if MW2 will sell as they planned we will see all Activision games priced @ 60€ :?

Author:  ProtectMyBalls [ 24 Oct 2009, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

from an industry perspective, i can see what activision are doing, they lost alot of money recently and are trying to get back as much as they can, no matter who they stomp over in the process, morally i do not agree, but its simple business economics.

Author:  Fluffy Meowington [ 24 Oct 2009, 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]ProtectMyBalls wrote:
its simple business economics.
They better not be wondering about piracy numbers.

Author:  Murk [ 24 Oct 2009, 22:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

[SpA]ProtectMyBalls wrote:
from an industry perspective, i can see what activision are doing, they lost alot of money recently and are trying to get back as much as they can, no matter who they stomp over in the process, morally i do not agree, but its simple business economics.
Except that this is supposed to be a mass selling item.

How do you sell a mass selling item more? Charge less. I'd bet my balls that if the price tag was 40€ (or even 35€) everyone would bitch a lot less or not at all (regarding the price, let's get MP shit out of the frame here) and they would probably achieve 300% HIGHER sale than they will with this price tag. Sure, less money gained by unit, but this is software and it's copied for customer, not replicated - especially not on steam since there's no disc or anything. And even though the gain is lower by the unit, there will be much more income total. THAT is simple business economics. The same thing is happening with cars these days - prices are plummeting (okay not as much as in the start of recession) on warehoused cars because it's better to sell them underpriced than to pay for warehousing and warehousing insurance.

However, seeing as how shitty the situation they cooked up is, they might probably just lower the price incredibly after like 3 months just to piss on the loyal players that bought the game for more than full price.

Author:  [SpA]Minimoose! [ 24 Oct 2009, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: [MW2] - Hosting

Even if it was reduced in price you would still have people not buying it because of the dedicated server bullshit (such as me, since I could get it for £35 if I wanted to)

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