HomeGroup : Takes the headache out of sharing files and printers on a home network.
When was this a headache? Homegroup has been in win since XP it just wasn't called Homegroup, and now that its been re-written its a major pain to get networking with older machines and servers so much so that a friend of mine just built a UNIX file server to bypass the problem in his office.
Jump Lists : Speedy access to your favorite pictures, songs, websites, and documents.
Windows Search: Find virtually anything on your PC, instantly.
Organise your files better and this was never a problem.
Windows Taskbar: Better thumbnail previews, easier-to-see icons, and more ways to customize.Windows 7 works the way you want
Performance improvements :Designed to sleep and resume quicker, be less memory hungry, and spot USB devices faster.Windows 7 makes new things possible
Power saver Scheme is the best feature of it.It consume less power then the XP.It increase my betray life.
This is its advantage, how ever with all the extra memory you're taking up using Win7 Search as it catalogues and retrieves you're information for a badly organised database your power advantages disappeared.
Though what can I really say I use a GEM shell on Vista 64.
Windows 7 is not good for my work flow... I'm kinda in agreement with Saint I'd prefer more customisation... the "seeming" lack of control I have with 7 out of the box means my workflow would be all over the place while I got used to it, when I have worked with it its been a pain.
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!