
Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]
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Author:  mack360 [ 17 Apr 2012, 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

Hith Duin Official Forum Topic

Hello everyone as you have probably figured out the construction of Hith Duin has finally begun!
This forum topic has been made so we can inform you of the happenings in our zone and so you can give us your input, this topic can also be used if you would like to be a Builder in our zone. If you are interested in helping us with our zone please tell us the following
Once the application is submitted me and mbl will review it carefully and get back to you when we have made our decision
The more you type the better chance you have of getting accepted

If you are accepted we ask you not to take anything from the chests that will not be used for Hith Duin
Any foul play in our Zone will result in a ban from the project and possibly the server.
-Plans and News-

Currently we are only collecting resources but when that is done we will release a few plans to the public.


-Manager: mbl111
-Co-Manager: macktastic360
-Zone Leader: Dawnofdusk (Isengard)
-Zone Leader: Frimple (Lothlorien
-Zone Leader: hoimoi (The Shire)
-Builder: Nitron200
-Builder: Enderdude55
-Builder: gardoure
-Builder: redbanana22
-Assistant to the Manager: Jonesy1816

If you have any questions or applications for us please do post them below and we will get back to you ASAP

Your Dark Lord, Macktastic360

Author:  AndragonLea [ 02 May 2012, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]


Veteran Builder on smp

I like to dig and help gather resources.
I would make a nice peon with a sunny disposition.
I shall not complain about the tasks you set me. (unless you cannot give me a reason for them and they seem pointless, in which case I shall throw a hissy fit)
If you need anybody to clear the premises, dig tunnels, cellars or otherwise make room, I can help whenever I am able.

I read LotR before it became mainstream, watched LotR often enough that I grew hairs on my feet and a fondness for tobacco, and generally like to eat at least 8 times a day.

Specialising in needlessly big underground complexes, ask me for home invite if you want to see what I mean.

I have to admit I dont have abundance of time however, so I would only provide a little help now and then as work permits.

edit: Might be because I usually only have about 2-3 hours a day after work to play, and if nobody is on and needs help, I might even log out after half an hour and play Fallout 3 instead.

Part of the reason I apply is so I can always find something to do if I want to, something that helps somebody out instead of just "Meh, maybe I can mine some more iron. *yawn*"

If you have some sort of "to do list" on your theme zone that you can write on signs where workers can find it, that would be perfect.

That way people can just wander past them and look if there is anything to do that sounds like they can swing it, and simply do it.

We could then plant a sign saying "Area left of the lighthouse cleared. Signed: AndragonLea" for example, and people would know it has been done.

Author:  mack360 [ 04 May 2012, 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

I haven't seen you in game but this application looks good i will talk to my supervisors and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
-Good Luck,

Author:  [SpA]Spikespiegel [ 04 May 2012, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

mack360 wrote:
I haven't seen you in game but this application looks good i will talk to my supervisors and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
-Good Luck,
You do know that mbl has a mancrush on andragonlea, right? :-P

Author:  AndragonLea [ 04 May 2012, 16:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

Our relationship is based chiefly on trust... and copious amount of equally degrading sexual favours.
Our relationship is based chiefly on trust, copious amounts of sexual favours and briber- Among the points our relationship is based are such points as trust, copious amounts of sexual favours, bribery and a truckload of ignorance.

Bishop, bring out... The comfy chair!

Author:  hwinwuzhere [ 29 May 2012, 10:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

Hey mack mbl etc,

I've been helping on Hith Duin for quite some time..
Don't know if it's a problem I didn't register on this forum or whatever you want me to do). But just let me know if there's anything you want me to do..



Author:  moon~maryl [ 24 Jun 2012, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

Hello there, Jonesy thinks im a good builder so he wants me to help on the building list here, i am a mason on free build and very much like to add detail to buildings, my accounts are maryl and moonllght but i recently swapped the rank from maryl - moonllght, so most ppl know my old account maryl. Thank que ~~~ <3 :4

Author:  AngelValverde49 [ 28 Jul 2012, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

-i am currently ranked [R] in the smp server for specialattack.net :cry:

-I have a really fantastic talent at making modern home's and might be able to provide one to every member 8)

-Yes quite a while ago ive seen the movie "The Lord Of The Rings" and my favorite character is the goblin who has a special saying..."My preciouuuusss" :ugly:

-I normally build homes first and would like to learn how to make a large automatic farm for all foods that we can sell or use for ourselves :5:

Author:  Gamma_Metroid [ 28 Jul 2012, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Theme Build -Hith Duin- [Official Forum Topic]

AngelValverde49 wrote:
-Yes quite a while ago ive seen the movie "The Lord Of The Rings" and my favorite character is the goblin who has a special saying..."My preciouuuusss" :ugly:

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