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 Post subject: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 18:37 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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[SpA]uvpurple wrote:
did you say D&D!

i am up for that!
Dekar wrote:
D&D aww yeah! :5:
Seeing these comments in the Fantasy Football thread got me thinking. Why don't we set up our very own SpecialAttack D&D campaign! I'm not too experienced in playing D&D, but I'm sure we'll have enough veterans here to help some noobs along.

We'll need a DM and a couple of adventurers (like 3-6 I guess?).

We can do it all over Mumble and maybe have a weekly session.

So, who's up for this? I'd love to see something like this happen.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 22:19 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Hey, this could be cool. Haven't the first clue about DnD but I'd be down for this :mrgreen:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 22:53 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
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I can scarcely fathom how one would play dungeon's and dragons on mumble, infact I have no idea how it's played in general, but I might be interested :P

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 23:16 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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You'll probably play it kinda like this.

In D&D you don't need much more than some cheat sheets and your mind/imagination. That's probably why it's one of the geekiest things you can do.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 00:01 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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I'd be up for this. I've recently been watching through that series, its pretty funny.

Also they mentioned this site in that series:

might help with running the thing, but yeah. I'd be up for it. never really done this before but hey, looks like it'd be fun.

gold4ever wrote:
i throath fuck gods of people like you and trow them in to a fucking jail. good bye your self. further more i will skulfuck your god and fuck him in his ass hes a fucking idiot.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 06 Sep 2013, 00:03 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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Haha, what the hell did I just watch? :D
Yeah, maybe... I creep to MrOrange's house, sit next to him and whisper "I might be intredasted" in his ear.
Something like that? D;

_________________ – My compositions :U

“If I myself had to portray the term 'people' by drawing it, I'd draw a mere gaping mouth, a clamouring mouth.” ― Pentti Linkola.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2013, 14:52 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (119)
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hah well i have done a bit of dungeon mastering, if your up for some laundry i have the full set of manuals..... and dice... and stuff...

if you don't mind me getting a bit lost in the rules occasionally!

but yeah i am more than enough said up for this..


fixed computer.... i hate directx.....

The Purple Rack of Saint Scouse

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2013, 19:39 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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I would be interested in being an adventurer. :5:

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2013, 22:15 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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Cool. I think we've got enough people to start a campaign now! Mostly noobs though, but I'm sure uvpurple can easily show us the ropes :).

So, the roster so far.

Dungeon Master: uvpurple

Adventurers: - Scatterbrain
- Junco
- Gibbos
- Dolf
-Dekar (dropped)

So when is everybody free to do this? I'm assuming Saturday or Friday evenings would be easiest.

*edit: mbl added, Dekar dropped

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

Last edited by [SpA]MrOrange on 08 Sep 2013, 13:18, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2013, 11:00 
Has no REAL life! (1349)
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oh, oh! Pick me! :D

jhvirik: you... get new one befour I get red in my face of hate
saintk: you have to send a DNA sample to Google these days in order to be able to reply on youtube

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2013, 12:01 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Looks like I wont join, dont wanna drop out after a short. Sorry guys.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 08 Sep 2013, 22:23 
Has no REAL life! (1690)
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I'm free whenever, would prefer during the weekday but I don't mind either way. Guessing we'll sort out what version of D&D and stuff we'll be playing when we start it? :D

gold4ever wrote:
i throath fuck gods of people like you and trow them in to a fucking jail. good bye your self. further more i will skulfuck your god and fuck him in his ass hes a fucking idiot.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 16 Sep 2013, 16:13 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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Looking at what University is going to be like for me this year I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out too, I've just got too much stuff going on. Sorry :(

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Oct 2013, 17:51 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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I'm watching the Rollplay videos... does the girl get any less annoying? :-14

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 05 Oct 2013, 22:29 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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Not really. I'm actually more annoyed by JP (Tuddagub) who seems to do everything to completely destroy the story, and the DM just lets him do it.

I completely stopped watching because it just wasn't going anywhere interesting.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 17 Oct 2013, 15:02 
Hmm, maybe not Illiterate (17)
[SpA]MrOrange wrote:
Not really. I'm actually more annoyed by JP (Tuddagub) who seems to do everything to completely destroy the story, and the DM just lets him do it.

I completely stopped watching because it just wasn't going anywhere interesting.
You have to realize that all these players had never played a pen and paper roleplaying game. The first weeks are hilariously stupid sometimes (well a lot of the time), but the players get a lot better at RP'ing and decision making. There is a MASSIVE difference in the way they play the game when you compare the first 10 weeks with the last 10 weeks. The first marked change is after the whole Lord Feng fiasco.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 18 Oct 2013, 00:21 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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JP is now DM in a new Rollplay series. :shock:

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 22 Oct 2013, 22:36 
Hmm, maybe not Illiterate (17)
Dekar wrote:
JP is now DM in a new Rollplay series. :shock:
:4 And his NPC's are pretty funny, just like one would expect from JP.

Personally the shows have triggered me to start GM'ing as well, although I'm doing a Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign. As I'm already part of a D&D 2nd edition campaign, thought it would make a nice change for the group I'm playing with.

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 00:06 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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Okay, it's been pretty quiet here for a while. But I kinda really want to get this going.

Purple, how do we get ready for this? Is there some kind of tool we can use to create our character? I'm also assuming that you'll run us through a pre-made campaign.

I'll put up a poll so you guys can check what play times would be best for you.
But could you also leave a reply in this thread again if you wanna join in? If Purple isn't up for it anymore, I'm totally fine with buying the basic books at my local game store and DM it myself. Seeing as we're all noobs, we'll get to learn the game together. Should be great fun!

Poll! :

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 09 Nov 2013, 23:35 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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People are voting in the poll but not replying in this thread. Don't be shy fellas! We need to know who's still on board or not.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 12 Nov 2013, 20:37 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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Or y'know, we could just call the whole thing off. There was enough interest when the thread was started but I've just ended up talking to myself :?

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 13 Nov 2013, 13:08 
Hmm, maybe not Illiterate (17)
I feel neglected :(

 Post subject: Re: SpA D&D
PostPosted: 15 Nov 2013, 01:12 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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I'd run a campaign with just the two of us, Dakka, but I think it'd be more fun with some more people :p.

If anyone is still interested, I'm still willing to put some time and money to set up a campaign. Just leave a reply if you are.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

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