Guest (Default)
Command Book
- Use of warps (wild1, wild2, wild3, wild4, nether, shop)
- check the time
- /whereami command
- Use of
- Readable Bookshelves
- Bridges
- Chair
- Door
- Elevator
- Footprints
- Gates
- Hidden Switches
- Payment based redstone switches
- Teleporters
Unable to create the above
- Lock personal chests, furnaces, etc.
- Use the server market to buy and sell items and buy items at player made shops.
- Can create only 1 residence
- Can make only 2 physical areas in the residence
- Max Size 64 x 64 Wide/Long and up to 256 Tall
- Can buy residences, but cannot sell
- Set a home by using /home set (Limit 1)
- Invite players to come to their /home
- Use /home warp <name> to go to their home
- Unlock their home to let anyone warp to it
- Kill naturally spawned mobs for money
- View personal balance
- View balancetop
- Pay players
- Open chests with blocks above them
- Access to the starter kit
- Talk in chat
- Build
- Use command signs
- Place spawners
- Use WorldEdit wand to select a region
- Replace TNT with World Edit
Member [M]
- Ability to Create
- Pipes
- Bridges
- Cauldrons
- Gates & dGates
- Doors
- Elevators
- Hidden Switches
- Payment activated redstone devices
- Create a buy quickshop
- Create a sell quickshop
- Create a quickshop off a double chest
- Change price of items without destroying shop
- Can create 3 residences
- Maximum 3 physical areas per residence
- Maximum size 256 x 256 x 256
- Buy cost, sell cost, and renew cost are all lower than default
Set 2 homes
Veteran [Vet]
- Can create up to 5 residences
- Maximum physical areas per residence: 5
- Maximum size of a residence is 512 x 512 Long/Wide and 256 Tall
- Buy cost, sell cost, and renew cost are all lower than [M]
Donator Ranks:
Hero [Hero]
- Hats
- Sign Colors
- Custom Nickname (Limit 2 Changes from Original)
Legend [Legend]
- Colored Nickname
- Disguise
- Chat Colors
Staff Ranks
Moderator [Mod]
Admin [Admin]
Head Admin [HeadAdmin]
Owner [Owner]