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Ranks & Abilities https://forum.specialattack.net/viewtopic.php?t=15974 |
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Author: | [SpA]CoDxFeedz [ 31 Jul 2020, 21:33 ] |
Post subject: | Ranks & Abilities |
Guest: /BanInfo [PlayerName]/[IP] - Shows you why [PlayerName] was banned, by who and when. /Bind [OriginalBlock] <ReplacementBlock> - Assigns one block type to another. Allows you to build block types that may not normally be built directly, such as: admincrete, water, grass, lava, doublestep. /Cancel - Using this after using a command such as cuboid will stop you doing the cuboid command. /Clear - clears chat from your screen. /Commands - Shows a list of all available commands to you. /Deafen - Stops all messages (messages don't show in your chat) /Grass - Changes every dirt block you place into grass, until you use the command again. /Help - Shows a list of help commands /Ignore [Player] - Stops you receiving any messages from [Player] /Info [Player] - Shows Stats of [Player] such as, time on server, rank, kicks, etc. /Join [World] - Moves you to [World] /Players - Shows a list of people online. /RankInfo [Rank] - Shows all commands that [Rank] has access to. /Ranks - Shows you a list of ranks and how many people have said [Rank] /Roll - gives a random number between 1 and 100 unless you specify differently. /Rules - shows you a list of rules and where to find more info. /Static - toggles repetition of last command. /ServerInfo - Shows server stats. /Spawn - Sends you to the set spawn. /Unignore [ Player] - Unignores previously ignored [player] /Worlds - Shows a list of worlds /ZInfo [ZoneName] - Shows you information about [ZoneName] /Zones - Shows a list of zones in map. /ZTest - Allows you to place a block to see if it would be affected by a zone. Member: /Lava - When enabled any red block you place is replaced with lava. /Measure- Tells you the number of blocks between two blocks you place. /TP [Player] - Sends you to where the [Player] is. /Water - When enabled any blue block you place is replaced with water. Builder: /BInfo - Allows you to place a block and tells you of anyone who has placed or deleted a block in that space. /Copy - Copies an area of blocks on a map between two blocks you select. /CopySlot [Number] - Allows you to paste a copied section saved as [Number] /Cuboid - Makes a cuboid between two blocks you select. /CuboidH- Makes a hollow cuboid between two blocks you select. /CuboidW - Makes a wireframe cuboid between two blocks you select. /Cut - Copies and deletes the selected area. /Ellipsoid - Makes a circle if 1 block high, or an elongated sphere (if otherwise) between two blocks you select. /EllipsoidH - Makes a hollow ellipsoid. /Freeze [Player] - Prevents [Player] from moving and building. /Line - Makes a straight line between two blocks you select. /Mark - Effectively "places" a block at your position, allows you to finish a command without actually placing a block. /Mirror - /Paint - Replaces any block you click with the block you are holding /Paste - Pastes any blocks you have copied. /PasteNot [Block] - Pastes any blocks you copied apart from [Block] /PasteNotX /PasteX /Redo - Redoes the last thing you /undid. /Replace [Block1] <Block2> - Replaces all [Block1] with <Block2> between any two blocks you select. /ReplaceBrush /ReplaceNot /Rotate [90]/[180]/[270]/etc - Rotates something you have copied clockwise by [angle] /Undo - Undoes the effects of your last drawing command. /Sphere - Creates a sphere between two blocks you select /SphereH - Creates a Hollow sphere between two blocks you select /Triangle - Creates a triangle between 3 points you select /TriangleW -Creates a wire-frame triangle between 3 points you select /Unfreeze [Player] - Unfreezes a [Player] who was frozen /Where [Player] - Gives you the co-ordinates and the map where [Player] is Veteran: /Bring [Player] - Brings player to your current location. /Brush [Type] - gives any drawing commands you use the effect of [type] /Hide - Makes you invisible to lower ranks /Fill2D - Fills a continuous area with blocks, in 2D. Direction of effect is determined by where the player is looking. /Kick [Player] <Reason> - Removes [Player] from the server. <reason> is vital, it is saved in their Info. /Patrol - Sends you to a guest who hasn't been visited for longest, loops around the guests. /SpecPatrol - Combines functionality of/Patrol and /Spectate. /Spectate - When you "spectate" another player, you follow the first-person view of another player. /Torus - Makes a donut between two points you select. /Unban [Player] - unbans [player], allowing them to join the server /Unhide - Makes you visible to lower ranks /Unspectate - stops you /spectating Mason: /Say [Words] - Says [Words] as a server announcement. /Solid - Allows you to build with Admincrete /Timer - creates a publicly-announced countdown +Architect: Mod: /Ban [PlayerName] <Reason> - Bans [PlayerName], Does not ban they're IP. <Reason> can be seen with /baninfo [PlayerName]. /BanEx [+PlayerName]/[-PlayerName] - Adds or removes an IP-ban exemption for an account. Exempt accounts can log in from any IP, including banned ones. /BanIP [PlayerName]/[IP] <Reason> - Bans the Player's IP. /Mute [Player] <Time> - Stops [Player] from talking for <Time> /Rank [Player] <Rank> {Reason} - Promotes Player to Rank for Reason. /UnbanIP - Unbans IP /UndoArea [Player] - Undoes changes made by a given player in the selected area. /UndoPlayer [Player] <Time/Blocks> - Undoes Player for <Time/Blocks> Time is measured like this: 160 = 160 seconds, 2d11h4m = 2 Days, 11 Hours and 4 minutes. /Unmute [Player]- unmutes [Player] Op: /BanAll [PlayerName]/[IP] - Bans [PlayerName], [IP], and all names associated with [PlayerName] and [IP]. /SetSpawn - Sets the place where new players will spawn /UnbanAll [Player] <Reason> - Unbans all player names who share a given IP address. /ZAdd [ZoneName] <Rank/Player> -Creates a new rank-restricted/player-restricted zone. /ZEdit [ZoneName] <Rank> -Sets the minimum required rank for building in the given zone. Instead of rank <+Player> will add a Player and <-Player> will exclude player /ZMark /ZRemove [Zone] - Deletes Zone /ZRename [Zone] <NewZoneName> - Renames Zone. *Note* Some things in this list may not be accurate anymore. As things are changed or are found to be different in the new server software, this list will be updated. |
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