Hello, i read on another post that we may be potentially hosting COD6 Modern Warfare 2, and i wanted to request (depending on how many different servers we have for this) that we have a server set to the 'hardcore' mode, now i'm not saying this and waving around my massive ePeen, it's just this mode offers the most realistic and enjoyable gameplay. You have to make your shots count as weapons do 'realistic' damage. (I find on normal that you can pump whole clips into people and they just don't go down, then they hide in a corner and carry on) plus hardcore mode removes all the annoying HUD elements and just makes the game have a lot of atmosphere and intensity. Perhaps, depending again on the resources available, we could have at least on hardcore server and a few normal.
When it comes to those annoying "perks" that everyone had an opinion on (last stand, etc) i'm not bothered really, i don't care about them, the martyrdom is annoying but easily combated. My point is that im sure you can decide what's best for the server and it's players, but I really want to stress my request for a at least one server set to "hardcore".