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PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 17:44 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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What is Dwarf Fortress?

Dwarf Fortress is…
- A free to play world-simulator-cum-city-manager-cum-sandbox game
- Mind bogglingly, brain injuring-ly, CPU destroying-ly huge and complex
- Of an impenetrableness and cruelly unforgiving difficulty that makes every other so-called ‘hardcore’ game out there look like a light spot of The Sims
- By default, of a graphics system composed entirely of ASCII symbols and letters to represent… well, anything and everything
- Hugely satisfying and addicting, if you can get past the nigh-on vertical learning curve that likes to sit back and laugh at you as your painstakingly crafted mini-civilization falls into its own personal oblivion
- Probably the single geekiest game after Dungeons and Dragons (in a good way, obviously)
- The game – that is, the game, where Losing is Fun!*

Basically, the central bit of the game is Fortress Mode. You start off with 7 dwarves and a caravan full of food and booze, are plonked down in an area of your choice (wherever in the vast and complex game-generated world this may be) and are basically left to it. The object: survive and thrive. Carve out a fortress from the earth, Mines of Moria style, and boss around your dwarves to do your bidding. ‘Your bidding’, given how simply huge this game is, is pretty much unlimited. Start a mining project that has your dwarves deep into the bowels of the earth in search of magma? Sure. Re-divert said magma via a series of pumps to power your steel industry and fill a moat of lava around your fortress entrance? Why not! Engineer a system that floods the outside world with said magma in the event of a goblin siege/Elven traders/that-chimapnzee-looked-at-me-funny? Sound good and dwarfy to me. Fight off whatever forgotten demon arises because you dug "too greedily and too deep"? That should be Fun!

Let me stress:

*Possible sources of Fun include:
- One of your dwarves going psycho and single-handedly murdering the fortress’ population, just because he couldn’t find a particular type of rock for the gem-encrusted shield/sword/mug he was working on.
- Goblin/elephant/stuff-that-lives-only-in-magma/undead chimpanzee etc invasions
- The going-wrong of various ‘projects’ that result in flooding the place with water/magma/cats etc
- Cracking open an underground cavern, only to fall prey to the giant spiders/trolls/cave dragons etc within
- Accidental cave-ins
- “Accidental” cave-ins
And so on. The list is, most likely, indefinite.

What’s so amazing is that, not only is the game crammed full of stuff, bit it’s all so detailed. Take just one teeny tiny aspect of it – let’s say you get one of your dwarves to make some carvings on the fortress of your walls. On every single tile that he works on (there could easily be 20+ in just one room), a detailed description will be given of what the image is of and of what quality it is. What’s more, 99 percent of the time they will relate to historical moments; this could either be from the history of the world created from scratch when you started the game, or from events in your own fortress. Say you’ve been subject to some mass slaughter from some disgruntled… oh, I don’t know, unicorns. Expect to have the dwarve carve out a lot of grizzly scenes involving unicorns gouging out a dwarves’ pancreas with their horn. Oh yeah – in battles, every part of every dwarf is accounted for; it’s satisfying to know that Fun was had because a Bronze Collussus killed your last dwarf by smashing in – specifically – his right lung.

But I could talk all day of how amazing a creation DF is and it probably wouldn’t amount to all that much. I’ll admit, it is incredibly difficult to get into, and for that reason (and because of the initially WTF-inducing graphics) this is a game that the playing of won’t appeal to a lot of you. The incredible stories that arise from the game, however… those are more likely to cause some interest. So that is why, for my next fort, I’ll be naming my Dwarves after you guys and updating this thread with the stuff that they get up to. If you would like a virtual shorty named after you, tell me about it. Get in on the Fun!

Finally, in this link is a rather epic illustration to show you the kind of crazy stories that can arise from this incredible game. Enjoy.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 18:08 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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I love those little buggers. In every game I can, I play as a Dwarf.
The beer, the mugs, the feasts with ribs and all kinds of meat, the stone halls, the mountains, the beards, . . .
I'll be Orangebrew then, preferably the biggest drunkard :mrgreen:

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 19:02 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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DF rocks! :5:

I want to be Dekar Gold Iron Bronzebeard Steel just let the damn game generate one, they are better anyway. :P

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 19:19 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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Figured I'd try it out for myself but this game is so bloody complicated!
I think I'll just play some Dragon Age or play WoW for about a month to satisfy my need for Dwarves :mrgreen:

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 23:08 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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firstly, to explain a bit more about what you're looking at: DF is an entirely 3D game, but you can only view the Z-axis (up and down) one 'layer' at a time. for example, viewing one layer will show you alot of stuff on a big flat plain, but when the plain reaches a hill, what you see is 'underground'. this 'underground' bit you can dig through. going up a few Z-levels. going up a few Z-levels, the big flat plain disappears and you're left with whatever the top of the hill happens to look like. go back down enough layers and you aren't left with anything above ground at all, only underground rock, or whatever you've mined out of it. understand? no? good! DF is kinda like that D;
seriously though, if you've got any question about what you're looking at just ask.

1st Granite:

We arrive.


Seven dwarves, an assortment of cats and dogs (one of them being trained for war), some picks, an axe and whole wagon full of booze. A motley crew: but they are my motley crew. Hand picked for the job, y’know. We shall build ourselves a new life here. Strike the earth indeed!


Our party as it stands now:

Rei, Miner (Adequate) and elected Expedition Leader*
Cirque, Miner (Adequate)
Slayer, Carpenter (Proficient)
Dekar, Wood Cutter (Competent) and Herbalist (Adequate)
BAM, Planter (Proficient)
Orangebeard, Brewer (Proficient)
And myself, Scatterbrain, Mason (Proficient)

*This is but a figurative role. I’ll still be the one calling the shots around here.

It was during a night of particularly heavy drinking (blame Orangebeard) that we decided to call wherever we would settle ‘Granitebees’, a name we shall stick to, even though it turns out most of the actually mountain is of slate, not granite.

Speaking of terrain, it looks promising; the mountain lies to the south and west, leaving a great plain with many trees and pools of water to the north and east. We’ll be needing plenty of both. At the moment, local wildlife is… well, non-existant. There are the rumours about the goblins though. That should give us plenty to worry about.

I send Dekar out to chop down all of the trees and pick all of the herbs that he can from the surrounding area. The rest of us look on as our miners begin to tunnel their way into the mountainside…

20th Granite:

Perhaps I should not have picked so inexperienced miners. Nearly a month has passed, and they have made little progress. It has only just stopped raining, and I’m loath to leave all of our food and alcohol out in the open.

I will also correct myself about the lack of wildlife; there are plenty of fireflies and dragonflys around, as well as the occasional frog and turtle. Oh, and the small matter of the alligator. We barely had time to look round, and he has already taken up a home in the pool we planned to drain for farming purposes. We really do need to get some good solid rock over our heads before he comes over all hungry.

21st Granite:

It was a close shave; ignoring our plentiful supplies of finest Dwarven booze, Dekar decided to take a drink from the very pool that the alligator was lurking in. Thankfully, each was as frightened as the other and both scampered off in opposite directions. Said reptilian is now wandering around to the east of the pool, and is a bit too close to our wagon for comfort. Oh, what I would give to just get inside! One of my first priorities once that happens will be to set up some traps at the entrance, to keep us safe from Mr Snappy and co.

28th Granite
Dekar must have really spooked the croc, for he’s fled completely out of sight. (right off of the map, infact. guess seeing a hairy dwarf with an axe for the first time must be pretty disconcerting). That leaves us with a lone mountain goat, and a few small furry things that I am reliably informed are called ‘Hoary Marmots’. Indeed. Make of that what you will, dear journal.

17th Slate
(pretty bleh picture; stuff over to the right is all unmined, unexplored rock. to the left is the dug-out stuff and the bottom of the alligator pool)

We have made good progress these last few weeks. Our miners have finally dug out an area where we can stockpile our food and drink; en masse, we lug our precious beverages into the relative safety of the fort. A large area for our farms has also been mined, which we are at this very moment flooding with water from the former alligator pool. That should get it all nice and muddy for our crops. Poor Cirque only just had time to release the water before she fell asleep on her feet from exhaustion. Soon, she will be stood in a rising (but not dangerously so) tide, and remain completely oblivious! With no beds to go too, most of us do the same (those are what the ‘Z’s are). Living out in the open has been a drain on us all.

I think I shall join them. As of now, Granitebees is but a humble hole in the ground; but from humble beginnings, I hope, come great things.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

Last edited by [SpA]Scatterbrain on 18 Jul 2010, 13:36, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2010, 23:52 
Has no REAL life! (1309)
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Name one after meeeeeeeeeeee :4

02:47 <@NabNab> saifon: you so sexy ;)
02:47 <+saifon> D:

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010, 16:57 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
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I've gotten a hang of the basic mechanics, but I can't seem to find a good spot to build my fortress!
How can you see if a region has got enough slopes to mine out? I can see mountains, but it's impossible to make farms inside them due to lack of soil.

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010, 17:33 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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You should look for rivers, to have access to water, and no aquifier ( blue line after terrain layer name ).
You dont really need slopes as you can just create downstair ramps or stairs everywhere. But if you want some for the style, look for a mountain region and then switch the local view to heightmap instead of biomes ( however that works :ugly: ).

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010, 17:44 
Has no REAL life! (5288)
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all it did was appear on my screen, then I saw numbers increasing to do with dwarfs dying or something, couldn't click anything, and then I quit it, confused.

a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010, 17:55 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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[SpA]Dekar wrote:
But if you want some for the style, look for a mountain region and then switch the local view to heightmap instead of biomes ( however that works :ugly: ).
press tab a couple times when you're picking your region. you're looking for the one where all of the squares on the 'local' map go different colours; different colours = different heights. then pick an area that covers a few different colours. works for me anyway :p

these tutorials are fantastic, use 'em ... art-1-wtf/

update tiem! :4

15th Felsite
It has rained for a solid month. The upshot of this is that the water we used to irrigate our farmland is not evaporating away as we hoped, but is constantly being replenished. Net result, BAM can’t get a plot up and running without the holes he digs being instantly flooded.


In the meantime, we’re digging out a space below for our workshops (see picture below), but it’s slow going. We do already have the carpenters and masons workshops built, and between me and Slayer we are getting some doors and beds constructed for our bedrooms. Not that we have a space for our bedrooms dug yet. Hrmph.


23rd Hematite
It has been a few months since I have updated you, journal – but little of note has happened. Good news is that we had a break in the weather that allowed BAM to get some crops planted. Bad news is that our inexperienced miners are not coping well with the workload, meaning extensive delays. I’m expecting some immigrants to arrive before the summer is out; we sure do need the extra hands. Everyone is exhausted.

1st Malachite


Now that’s more like it – our first crop of Plump Helmet are ready for the picking! These are good for eating straight out of the ground, and we can brew them too. I know Orangebeard is itching for some fresh brew, the old soak. Infact, I intend to put him in charge of brewing, when the time is right.

9th Malachite


The alligator has returned and has brought company, but it seems the have the sense to keep their distance. To be honest, there are more pressing matters for us, and the wardog guarding the entrance may at least give us some advance warning, but it may make the last leg of the immigrants journey a little more dangerous. That’s if they make it this far at all.

22nd Malachite

Orangebeard brewery is open for business! Already he’s running around grabbing anything that presents even a remote possibility of becoming an alcoholic beverage. Unless we run out of barrels, I daresay that brewin' is what he will be doin' for the rest of his days. Him? He’s giddy with happiness at the prospect. Lucky guy.

2nd Galena


Just as I was beginning to think they weren’t going to come.

- NabNab, Fisherdwarf (Talented). Also seems to have some military experience; might come in handy this one.
- Annarack, Animal Caretaker* (Adequate)
- Vogelchen, Woodcrafter (High Master)
- Johnny, Leatherworker (High Master), among various other things – notably, a skilled animal trainer.
- ArchlurkerChad, Butcher (High Master) (Note to self; he’s built like a barn, another likely military type)
- Perkele, Wood Burner (Novice)

*(Animal Caretakers are supposed to look after injured animals, but from what I’ve read it’s bugged atm. But the skills should be transferrable over to animal training, which is very useful. We’ll see what’s needed in time.)

My my, what a talented bunch – three Dwarves that are High Masters of their trade, no less! The butcher we might be able to make use of if the fisherdwarf does his job properly, and if the woodcrafter knuckles down we may be able to get some valuable trinkets for trading with before the wagon from Mountainhome arrives to do business. We have no need for a leatherworker though, but his proficiency with animal training may come in handy. The other two will most likely be on hauling duty, as we have no other use for them.

So much to organise, so little time... but I’ll leave that for tomorrow – all of this door-making has quite worn me out. At least I can rest easy, in a real bed no less! Yes, things are looking up. Now, with more hands on deck, we can begin our preparations for the winter.

Here are some pictures of our Granitebees as it stands:

The main entrance

Farming, living and sleeping areas, complete with food stockpiles and brewery.
(yay booze!)

The workshops

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

Last edited by [SpA]Scatterbrain on 18 Jul 2010, 18:00, edited 3 times in total.

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2010, 17:56 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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[SpA]Minimoose! wrote:
all it did was appear on my screen, then I saw numbers increasing to do with dwarfs dying or something, couldn't click anything, and then I quit it, confused.
welcome to dwarf fortress :ugly: i linked some tutorials in the last post, go read em'. also, you might have clicked adventure mode or something, fortress mode is the main bit of the game. and you don't click stuff, it's pretty much all arrowkeys and keyboard shortcuts.

(also, at the moment names are being picked alphabetically, from people with SpA tags, who happen to be playing TF2 at the time - apart from peeps that want in the game ofc)

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2010, 20:44 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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i've really, really not liked the way the first two updates were done; telling about every teeny little uninteresting thing that happens in a game nobody plays/understands in any sort of depth an entertaining read does not make. so i've endeavoured to make them more interesting from now on. i'm not brilliant at this sort of thing, but... well, here's hoping it's an improvement anyway. hell, i'll keep doing them for my own entertainment anyway, even if i have no clue how to sound dwarf-ish. despite being Scottish. fail much?

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2010, 17:57 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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This is game is so great once you get the hang of it.

I forgot about water pressure when creating a well fed from a cavernlake many levels above, flooding half of my fort and bringing the magma based metalindustry on the lowest level to a halt.
As I didnt build any systems to stop the water, I had to do seal it just like an oil leak, by injecting magma and corpses of dead miners into the stream. :ugly:
Unluckily this delayed my weapon production for months, giving a legend ary beast an easy time against my 2 wrestler squads, dooming my fort. :(

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2010, 17:55 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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*umm, the forum swaps 'leg endary' for 'poontang' for some reason.

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2010, 18:14 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Intense action! D:

Noone more worthy of a mood than Cirque. :D

Poor Dekar. :(
I hope he gets a nice, personal tomb.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2010, 18:27 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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i hope all of them will, but it's pretty messy at the moment. your death was pretty spectacular; even though you'd been mauled in both arms and legs, and your liver had been given a pounding, you still somehow kept running for ages :ugly:

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2010, 18:30 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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The alligators were good trainers. :mrgreen:

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2010, 15:15 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (119)
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[SpA]Scatterbrain wrote:
Our next decision was a difficult one; a few cage traps was our last line of defence. While they had proved successful so far, they have been known to fail.
My good ol'e high quality traps will never fail! Trust me 8)

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2010, 12:19 
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Where should i download and what version of the game?
Should be good to know the official page too. :D

"Why ever me?"
-Fulgrim, Spleefer of the SAS (SpecialAttack Spleef)

"BRB, going to be AFK for a long time."
-Someone, Someday

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2010, 14:58 
Has no REAL life! (1669)
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Wiki ( very useful! ):

Download the SDL version. It doesnt come with a graphical tileset I think, but the wiki has a page for everything you need to know:
Not that you need a special tileset, I myself play with the ASCII graphics.

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2010, 15:31 
Has no REAL life! (3493)
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for the tileset i'm using (gives you the shiny SNES-like graphics) you'll need to download what is technically a different 'version' of the game, but really the only difference is the graphics. just run this version of dwarf fortress and you'll be good to go.

(need to update the OP with all of this stuff, heh)

ュ~ちゃん Pinky: true genius
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: doesn't make sense
ュ~ちゃん Pinky: till you're senseless

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2010, 17:50 
Likes to type... (280)
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O.O a bit complicated...

"Why ever me?"
-Fulgrim, Spleefer of the SAS (SpecialAttack Spleef)

"BRB, going to be AFK for a long time."
-Someone, Someday

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