Clearing some things about ESL.
First of, concerning these medals:
But not everyone will get the same medal, that wouldn't be fun! The Top3 of the Premiership Division, Division 1, and playoffs of the other Divisions will get custom medals with the name of their division and their place!
Which means the top teams of Europe, who are signing up for it, will get the chance to earn some of these medals.
Secondly, to participate in the ESL you will have to pay a monthly amount to become a fully registred member.
Seeing that it costs money, as well as that you have to run Aequitas, the anti-cheat tool, in the background, the lowest seeded teams are mostly from div4, and rarely you can find a div5 team.
If you still think paying money and running an annoying anti-cheat tool in the background to still get raped from teams way beyond your skilllevel
then gl & hf