ladies and gents, tonight at 20:00 cet (1 and a half hours from now) on warsever 1 the Specialattack Community highlander team presents a competitive TF2 spectacle for your viewing pleasure! come along and support us by watching on STV (connect here: )
this should be a pretty good match; .LV are currently in third position on the ladder, and the last time we played we came away with a very, very close loss on a map we had zero experience with, so this is a team that should provide a nice challenge for us. we're scheduled to play gravelpit and granary; gpit we've played successfully a few times now (although we have yet to be really tested on), and granary we can safely say is our favourite map. whilst it isn't a super-important league match, it is a ladder match, so it should have that competitive edge to it. conclusion? this one's worth watching