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 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 09:05 
Has no REAL life! (1481)
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heated discussions involving howard are always interesting.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 09:30 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
I'm not sure we got heated, we just took sometime to get to the actual point. :D

As a gamer I can forgive a lot of bugs and a lot of issues as long as the core concerns are dealt with and to me the core of a game is its controls and its audio-visual design. The controls in ARMA are just diabolical and the audio visual design is a mess. If you cannot emulate reality with the way your game looks and sounds and you cannot make your avatar convincing, realistic and "solid" feeling then you cannot expect your hardcore "sim" ideals to work from a mechanical point of view. To hell with having good vision - the graphics and art direction in this game make me feel like I am 90 years old. Muted colours, shit textures (and we wont even discuss the appalling texture caching of ARMA) a viewing angle and distance that make a 360 game look good cannot ever really be called a sim and you cannot play a sim like game in a world that looks, feels and acts this badly.
Fundamental point is that other games "feel" more realistic and certainly look more realistic that this. You cannot make a game as harsh and brutal as real life then set it in a cartoon. Its just ignorant.
Also, how many posts on his forum does Rocket require about changing the darkness and adding melee? Good lord!

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 09:45 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
Oh yes - PVP - this is the next big discussion. Unfortunately it is not going to get anywhere as the Dayz boards are, as with every other game out there, populated by fucking idiots. Everyone is still so ranty about "THAT IS HOW REAL LIFE IS, MAN" (quoth the 9 year old) that the conversation will never get anywhere.
Simple fact is that, unless you want a server where everyone dies constantly as no one can trust anyone, you need ways of identifying friend from foe. You cannot - CANNOT - strip out all information from this game - this game that looks like it was built in the 90s (cos it was) - and just say "well its realistic". It will just descend into deathmatch stupidity.
Thing is Rocket has no good ideas about how to address this so we are probably fucked. He needs to accept that this is a game ans has no bearing on reality. He needs to add mechanics in that make it work as the game it is and stop dicking about with his "realism" concerns when there is no realism.

Also, interesting bug that i did not know was a bug: One of the main reasons I have been saying that nothing matters in this game is that when I die, everything resets. Thing is, I gather its not supposed to? I have killed at least 6 people, none of them bandits, yet my current humanity is 2500 and it says I have murdered no one.

Persistent world? Sure..

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 11:43 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
I think humanity has been turned off atm (unless in last nights update its back on) - not really sure why, if the feature wasn't complete, did he remove it entire till it is. The old system wasn't not just wasn't ideal. It is "real" to assume that lawlessness will reveal the true demons in society, even with the feature taken out, and the humanity cost temporarily removed, I did just run past a group of survivors and they just aimed at me and let me pass. So there is still some good out there haha. What I love about the concept, and what first caught my attention was the fact that sum percentage of the 50 players, would have no problems shooting me dead, and my friends and stealing all my stuff. But I wouldn't want 49 of those people to have that mentality, so I agree with you there. But the fact there are murders and distrust is a big appeal for me.

I'm still one for having a "unrealistic" separation visually between bandits and survivors; I LIKED the fact that bandits were punished because when they respawned on the beach, they respawned wearing a "shoot me" outfit which left no humanity cost for the survivor; equally, it still meant you couldn't fully trust survivors (will they turn? are they lying? are they a noob that's going to get me killed and risk my survival?), be interesting to see how it's going to develop.

Personally, I reckon they get literally and give every bandit a moustache and sombrero.

It's not a heated argument, I assume this is a game forum and it's good to have a discussion about games! (true me and Howard write to much :D) especially one that has been deemed mod of the year and is going viral - christ it's making people buy arma2 lol!

Howard and I, want the same experience, and we both know this. We both are aware of the engine limitations and the technical issues. We only bash head's because we are just different people; it's not like his frustrations aren't justified; I disagreed with some of his ideas like no fire zones etc, but I'm not ignorant of the technical issues; and I'm now feeling less energy for the game as it does need more interaction. My immersion breaks when my friend is being gangbanged and I can't save him because the zombies are binking around him and so is he. But for me when it is working, it's very enjoyable. I can forgive tech issues when the game gives me what I wants. I was on cloud nine walking through town with a silenced MP5 but yeah the state of the mod currently is still broken in various places, and there I full appreciate and see howards point about their needing to be more things to interact with (add cougars!!! lol) and yeah, if it got to the point where I could make my own log cabin for the kids! I'd welcome that! :D Hopefully over the next few months they can fix more stuff, improve upon it and add more features to add to the experience. But I'm just in love with it because I love the concept; If I had to write a GDD for a video game, it would probably be very close to this - although my character skin would be Seth Gecko! :wink:

I'm really glad they have quickly adjusted the temperature thing, we spent all night just sitting near a fire then going to find more wood etc, just mean it became a boy scout sim lol We argued that we could probably run 9 miles a day IRL and not get sick if we were eating and drinking still; so is this guy like anaemic lol?!

It's not that unrealistic to find fire wood in houses and shops, pre cut dry fire wood, would be common in those locations, but in the wild you would need an axe to actually source wood that would produce sufficient energy for a decent amount of time, i.e. dry logs. I just hope he doesn't push the realism barrier too far and add a rubbing sticks mechanic. Hopefully they will add a hatchet or something in your equipment inventory and you can interact with a tree to produce fire wood - then you can stock pile it.

A nice shunt melee would be good for getting out of those situations where you are blocked in, I ran out of ammo last night, and I think if they added a melee feature (one without a weapon) which could be used to give you at least a fighting chance to break out of a room or horde. A few melee weapon's that snap and get blunt after a while, would be cool, just as long as they don't get silly like Dead Island lol, sticking a car battery onto a pizza cutter etc

It sounds like a crazy idea, and technically im not sure how possible. But I would love to see a herd on the map. A big group of zombies just travelling the entire map and walking through each town. A big stompy, groany posse that you just hide from and wait for them to pass.

I agree Amnesia wasn't very good, some of the Penumbra games are very scary and required a lot more thinking as you don't get weapons etc, you just have to Macgyver your way out of rooms etc.

I'm glad they have updated tents, might be able to actually place them in cover.

I wish they would add random sneezes into the game too lol!!! :ugly:

and i would spawn with an MP5 sd and 10 mags!

(couldn't be bothered to quote lol - laaazy)

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 12:55 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
Just to be clear, when I say I've got no murders and a perfect humanity, I mean I have always had that. I shot people on my second day in DayZ, long time before the patch that took humanity out, and while I did receive the humanity drop and the bandit skin, I instantly lost it as soon as I was killed. I am told that my murder count and humanity should carry on between lives but none of the actions I have ever taken last beyond death, which is what I find one of the stupidest thing about the mod.
As to PVP - I'm not certain what the answer is. I too think that appearances should change but I don't want to go as far as having teams that can remove friendly fire or anything like that. There should be murder and there should be distrust, but the HUD has to be reworked to handle itself a lot better. When walking in a forest, particularly one I know to be populated by murderous assholes with guns, I would not strap a cone round my head to limit my field of vision, put Vaseline-smeared glasses on to make sure I could not see far, fuck up all my guns so they have 1/10th their usual range and power and drink so much caffeine that my hands were a blur before me. Like I say, if Rocket wants realism then I am cool with that, but it has to be actual realism, not the bullshit that ARMA peddles.

One thing does occur to me: a main bugbear is the limitation on what you can carry (again, Rocket clearly has no idea how big things are in real life) and I cannot see him increasing the pack size any time soon. So, how about, to lift another idea from STALKER, kit drops? We have entrenchment tools - why can we not dig a hole, bury our kit then mark it on our map? Also such things (like tents) should persist between servers. Either this is a persistent world or it bleedin' aint!

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 13:49 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
I think the tent's aren't persistent across all servers because you would just end up eventually with a server full of tents, like weeds growing everywhere or the camping areas at Glastonbury lol It's a bit annoying because i put up a tent on a server... knew where it was, but forgot the server name doh! I hope they robbed it of all its empty bottles and chemlights muhahah!

Murder count doesn't carry across lives, but the humanity level did. Hmm, the system does need some more work definitely. It is definitely a worthy feature concept though, otherwise everyone would just kill everyone as we know. It's nice to see some civility still though post the humanity removal; ran past a team of three last night and we just checked each other out and we just left each other alone (I put it down to my intimidating beard, sun glasses and ak 8) )

Was a proper boy scout sim with guns last night, literally have a screen shot of us all sat round a camp fire (using the sitting stance)... and we did that for 20mins whilst on of the guys warmed up... It wasn't the most engaging of sessions lol, though there were some moments of action.

I'd love it if you could find padlocks and supplies to fortify a small building; and maybe insert a radio tower somewhere and you have to bring batteries in order to call a supply drop (they wont rescue you as you might be infected etc) and then you have to trek to the approximate location of the drop. However, the sound of the plane going overhead will attract some zombies and bandits, whoever is in the location of the drop might rob you of your hard work before you even get there out of pure chance and right place right time sort of thing. Someone might see the parachute in the distance and then you have got a race on your hands. I can just picture two survivor teams having a Mexican stand off around a pile of supplies and all just killing each other in a senseless, paranoia induced slaughter, and then another team turns up a few minutes after and sees all the blood shed around these supplies. Sounds chilling!

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 20:28 
Kinda hopeless, but improving (117)
User avatar
i love the long replies but howard go play dead island or maybe erm zombie panic..... ive read through the sugestions side of the day z forum and i see loads of sugestions just like the ones you make and i hope the devs just delete the entire sugestions section as it would ruin a great game.

p.s remember those asprins would want you to drop dead from all the stress of having to actually play a game without a safety net or anything.

The Purple Rack of Saint Scouse

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 24 May 2012, 21:08 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
uvpurple wrote:
i love the long replies but howard go play dead island or maybe erm zombie panic..... ive read through the sugestions side of the day z forum and i see loads of sugestions just like the ones you make and i hope the devs just delete the entire sugestions section as it would ruin a great game.

p.s remember those asprins would want you to drop dead from all the stress of having to actually play a game without a safety net or anything.
...shut up...

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 12:12 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
[SpA]Howard wrote:
dougy85 wrote:
I have a few problems with some of the realism, like having to find special clips for silenced weapons, just seems a bit too much for me personally among a few other annoying issues.
So one of the few correct things in the game related to weapons and you object to it? :D
Aha! SD ammo can be loaded into a weapon without a suppressor, you just have to switch the mags. :mrgreen: Which is realistic as I thought!

[SpA]Howard wrote:
dougy85 wrote:
I'm not sure what happened to the field hospital guy, he had bodyguards, but again the point flies right over your head. If he get's attacked by bandits and his hospital he setup gets burnt to the ground faster than it took to setup then that's awesome and completely part of the game's design and ethos. That's the sort of thing you would expect to see in a film basically.

And films have...what to do with games? no idea what you are even talking about at this point.
?? Finally found this quote. Film's have a lot of influence on games; plus film's games and books all share the same basic story setup's of man vs man, man vs himself etc. Game's have been referencing films for ages; and in some recent examples, films have referenced games; like Crank and SuckerPunch. The amount of time's you hear "they are coming out of the walls" in scifi video games. My example about the hospital and it's relation to film's was that you would find that scenario in a film script; doctor setups a hospital in the worst most dangerous place, helping in a time where everyone is only helping themselves, and his hard work and humanity is torn to shreds when a simple act of violence tears it all down. i.e. the hero returns to find the village in flames etc. These are the kind of events you find in DayZ, and eventually when they start to add more interaction and elements of purpose these stories will just escalate. A lot of my encounters in the wilderness and towns, you couldn't script these encounters in a linear single player game and have them have the same emotional impact (because it wouldn't involve real people), so the fact it's possible in MP is incredible.

I only bring this up because I find it pretty ignorant to ignore the fact that different mediums still influence each other. Books inspire films, films inspire games, games inspire films. A good majority of recent titles follow more of a film structure than a classic video game, "stages" have turned to acts; and storylines and cinematic sequences are ripped straight from the mind's of dop's. They are even hiring film composers and big name movie starts to voice and produce moving scores. I mean, numerous video games have budget's that rivial or are infact bigger than some hollywood blockbusters.

The beauty and USP for me in this game, is that I feel like an extra in The Walking Dead or something.

[SpA]Howard wrote:
uvpurple wrote:
i love the long replies but howard go play dead island or maybe erm zombie panic..... ive read through the sugestions side of the day z forum and i see loads of sugestions just like the ones you make and i hope the devs just delete the entire sugestions section as it would ruin a great game.

p.s remember those asprins would want you to drop dead from all the stress of having to actually play a game without a safety net or anything.
...shut up...
Yeah I read a good lump of those too (regrettably), 99% of those idea's all just seem to go against the point of the mod and what makes the concept so interesting to gamers. A majority of the suggestions stem from either the player's own inability or lack of understanding about the tone of this world. Basic survival instincts and map reading being a common lacking ability and as a result some of these guys want objective markers and more HUD telling them what's going on and where they are, which is clearly a distinct lack of awareness and not respecting the environment they play in. One guy asked me how to find himself on the map and where the location marker was.. I asked him what he would do if he was lost in a strange country with just a map... It's common sense really, and some gamers are just too lazy when it comes to a challenge and they just want to walk through a linear corridor shooting every zombie they see (that's fine, but killing zombie's isn't the main point at all of DayZ). If you don't respect the world or it's inhabitants, you end up dead and then staring at sand again. I know people are new, everyone is with this game, even seasoned Arma players. But you just have to take a deep breath and think about your situation. Whereas, most people instinctively press every button, like me, and end up eating their food and dropping a flair in the middle of cherno (That was my first life - approx time 4mins); you just have to remember, to respect the world like you do real life and you'll have a better chance at living longer.

Each life is like groundhog day, you learn something new about the world and about yourself.

Saying shut up to someone in an open discussion in an online gaming forum isn't very nice at all.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 13:03 
Lord of Minecraft (2894)
User avatar
And each time I think we have come to a mutual agreement and got a point we can talk in a friendly and open manner, you shoot off on a wildly illogical tangent and begin your competition to use the word "real" as many times as possible in a single sentence. And I was just about at the point were I though we could arrange a game together when I got back so you could show me what you thought was so amazing. Oh well

Clearly this will get nowhere as you cannot argue in straight lines but insist on talking in circles and back tracking in a desperate attempt to "win points" so I am done with this.

2 Things though (neatly side stepping that nonsense about films 'cos: wow):
- You are wrong about the guns at the start.
- Who the hell ever said I was nice? When someone openly insults me, pays no attention to the rest of this thread and thinks he can just have his childish little jibes at me, then I will call him an idiot. Fundamentally 'cos he's a fucking idiot who lacks even basic grammar.

Thread ignored (but mouth of once more Uv - I fucking dare you)

"Fire rained from the sky on the day I was born: 10,000 lives I ended before drawing first breath. Do not speak to me of guilt or regret, Jonathan.” - Brayan, The Keepers of the Fire

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 13:42 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar

...anyway. What the hell happened with the last update? The last thing I remember when I disconnected; I was happily up north just outside Stary Sobor, no food, just under 3000 blood, plenty of ammo for my Winchester and I had a fever. It was Day 3 of my character and I was only a few feet from the supermarket which I was going to raid when I logged back on to get some more food and something to warm me up with....


...I'm on the south coast beach just outside Elektro... :shock: Uh... wtf?

I did not die because I still had my 3 day character, I still had all the items in my backpack. I also noticed this happened to some other poor person from what they were saying in the chat.... Not really impressed with this so I decided to carry on with my plan of getting more supplies and getting my arse back up North (I can't believe I'm saying this) where I felt much safer.

Just my bad luck. I crept through the outskirts of Elektro... pew PEW PEW I'm dead! *insert colourful language here*

I can hear Cardboards voice now...'Stay away from Elektroooooooooooo oooooo ooooooooooo'

Now this did upset me because I had survived for so long, one stupid error from the game putting me in a place where I wasn't in the first place and then I get shot by a bloody bandit. Very frustrating indeed Howard.

But, nevertheless I started again. As you say dougy85, you learn from your mistakes but it's very difficult to accept that it wasn't entirely down to my own mistakes. Luckily I spawned up by the Three Valleys so I was almost away from the unpleasant South.

What servers do y'all play on by the way? Do you all play on random ones or have you got a specific server that you all 'hang out' on?

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 14:01 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
[SpA]Howard wrote:
And each time I think we have come to a mutual agreement and got a point we can talk in a friendly and open manner, you shoot off on a wildly illogical tangent and begin your competition to use the word "real" as many times as possible in a single sentence. And I was just about at the point were I though we could arrange a game together when I got back so you could show me what you thought was so amazing. Oh well

Clearly this will get nowhere as you cannot argue in straight lines but insist on talking in circles and back tracking in a desperate attempt to "win points" so I am done with this.

2 Things though (neatly side stepping that nonsense about films 'cos: wow):
- You are wrong about the guns at the start.
- Who the hell ever said I was nice? When someone openly insults me, pays no attention to the rest of this thread and thinks he can just have his childish little jibes at me, then I will call him an idiot. Fundamentally 'cos he's a fucking idiot who lacks even basic grammar.
My film point was valid; it's basic story telling in a nutshell, but this time the story elements have been laid down and it's up to us to play them out; instead of a script writer/game designer telling us what the story drip by drip; the story opens up naturally and randomly depending on how you interact with the world. I was correct about the weapons, I was annoyed you couldn't load the clips, but then found out you can, which makes sense. Other wise every soldier would have to carry a different gun per ammo type; which in the real world is impractical as weapons are heavy; and soldiers carry different types of ammo for various scenarios. Made my M16 a lot quieter and less of a cannon.

If someone is being childish, why be childish back? It's not constructive or mature.
[SpA]Howard wrote:
Thread ignored (but mouth of once more Uv - I fucking dare you)
Threatening one of you members on a thread for making an opinion based on an observation? I'm not sure but didn't someone say earlier you were the manager? Jut my pov, but doesn't seem like the correct behaviour to me. Ignoring the thread because someone disagrees with you just seems a bit hypercritical considering what you said to Chaos in an earlier post.

I can't show you what's amazing about it; the beauty of the game is how you personally react to situations, what random encounters you experience, it's your story. Annarack had her story and her little mission setup and would have no idea what might happen in that supermarket; and that's what's so cool. We had a sniper helping us in the tents the other day, completely random guy, said he saw us, then start taking out zombies to help when we got swarmed. But before we knew he was friendly, we were really paranoid because he had the drop on us, and we had no idea where he was.

@ Annarack; when they update the code it sadly resets your last saved position. I had the same issue too :cry: , was in Beriz and spawned above elektro, an hour later I got gunned down and lost my 3 day character too. It's just one of the Alpha issues we have to endure till they address all the bugs remaining. It's not your fault though, it's not a mistake we can learn from really; it's just unlucky. But at least we aren't just dropping temperature from the word Go now hehe. But yeah, on the coast, fully stocked, people just see you as a walking shop; it's a harsh part of the update.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 17:42 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
On a plus side of dying. I now own a nice shiney pair of binoculars and I have found some wood and a nice shiny CZ 550 rifle :hug:

Got any matches? Oh and I'd like a knife too :mrgreen:

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 18:03 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
[SpA]annarack wrote:
On a plus side of dying. I now own a nice shiney pair of binoculars and I have found some wood and a nice shiny CZ 550 rifle :hug:

Got any matches? Oh and I'd like a knife too :mrgreen:
lol, ill try and hang onto some spare's if I see them, or i'll dump them in menju's tent.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 18:46 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
Sweet. I shall raid menju's tent then. Just don't tell him it was me.

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 19:19 
Has no REAL life! (1620)
User avatar
Day 3, Knife, Matches and wood. Compass, Watch and Map last time I saw another human... morning day 2. Glitch death twice robbed me of a longer life span, every bit as effectively as Anna robbed me of my good gear.

Just shy of 400 dead zombies and 5 dead bandits fortunately still no murders though.

swedishnitro wrote:
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 19:59 
Has no REAL life! (1254)
User avatar
Does it count as a murder if you kill a non-bandit that has shot you first?

(I don't have ArmA II or the required expansion, but I'm interested in how this mod will turn out. I might buy the game if the issues are fixed and the mechanics are enjoyable.)

'Belgium, a country with many homos also have a pedophile party as far as i know.' - Violetblood

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 20:00 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
[SpA]cardboard wrote:
Day 3, Knife, Matches and wood. Compass, Watch and Map last time I saw another human... morning day 2. Glitch death twice robbed me of a longer life span, every bit as effectively as Anna robbed me of my good gear.

Just shy of 400 dead zombies and 5 dead bandits fortunately still no murders though.
Oooo yes, I forgot about your backpack. That was a good unexpected raid :mrgreen:
[SpA]MrOrange wrote:
Does it count as a murder if you kill a non-bandit that has shot you first?

(I don't have ArmA II or the required expansion, but I'm interested in how this mod will turn out. I might buy the game if the issues are fixed and the mechanics are enjoyable.)
I only bought the game for the mod :ugly:


Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 25 May 2012, 21:02 
Has no REAL life! (1620)
User avatar
[SpA]annarack wrote:
Oooo yes, I forgot about your backpack. That was a good unexpected raid :mrgreen:
I suggest you buy this: It will do you good to learn the trade

swedishnitro wrote:
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 26 May 2012, 00:36 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
[SpA]annarack wrote:

I only bought the game for the mod :ugly:

Same :D

Annarack you should try a VR headset with it :D

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 26 May 2012, 02:59 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
[SpA]cardboard wrote:
[SpA]annarack wrote:
Oooo yes, I forgot about your backpack. That was a good unexpected raid :mrgreen:
I suggest you buy this: It will do you good to learn the trade
dougy85 wrote:
[SpA]annarack wrote:

I only bought the game for the mod :ugly:

Same :D

Annarack you should try a VR headset with it :D
I have sennheiser PC350, good enough?

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 26 May 2012, 14:57 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
Anyone fancy pairing up to help me raid a big town/city? Fed up of running around on my own; just getting enough supplies from small villages all in haste to get chomped by zombies that never saw me in the first place.

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 26 May 2012, 16:16 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
no those are headphones, im talking about something that moves your vision when you rotate your head :D

We are heading to the NE airfield.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 26 May 2012, 16:28 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
Ohhh VR = Virtual Reality :D

Let me know what server you are on and I'll join ya :5:

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 27 May 2012, 14:33 
Crap at posting (45)
User avatar
Haven't tired it yet, but now you can get wood from tree's using a hatchet! Plus now you can be a lady skin and even steal skins :S

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

This is day Z. This is your story.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 01 Jun 2012, 21:35 
Illiterate (12)
hey guys, spoke to a few in mumble a few mins ago, but just to let you know there are about 15-20 of us that have the game and playing. Takes a bit of effort, but you can manage to group up and play on same server. We usually play on EU_EX1 which is a day for night (light when it should be dark) server. You need Six Launcher to patch it correctly I believe. Anyway, if you want to play with us you are welcome to pm me on steam and ill give you the mumble we use :lol:

 Post subject: Day Z
PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 03:06 
The one and only (619)
If someone could message me on steam il gladly hop on and play. :D

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 03:16 
Has no REAL life! (3714)
User avatar
mm same for me, if people are getting together on a server, then count me in.

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 02 Jun 2012, 03:31 
Has no REAL life! (1620)
User avatar
Don't wait for an invite, if you see me in game message me I'm always happy for people to join me.

Current life as of this evening. 586 Zeds, 0 Murders, 2 Bandits and 9 days.

swedishnitro wrote:
I take it all back. FFFFFFUUUUUU cardboard!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Day Z
PostPosted: 06 Jun 2012, 14:54 
is Wonder Woman (5950)
User avatar
dougy85 wrote:
Plus now you can be a lady skin and even steal skins :S
I didn't get the choice to change :-14

Just to add to Cardboard's post; if we are playing you will also find us in mumble. So come on in and join us :hug:

Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it!

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